·˚𝙭𝙭𝙭 ༘༄ ꒰𝘓𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴꒱ؘ*ੈ✩

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Harrow's men hauled out Marc from the water and dragged his body back onto the stone steps.

"I'm sorry it had to be this way," Harrow sighed, placing the scarab on his chest while he held Ammit's ushabti in the other, "Marc Spector, Steven Grant, whoever else might be in there," 

Elodie stood stunned, speechless, in her place as your body too was dragged away to a pillar nearby.

"Truly regret your fate," Harrow added at your body, "Sometimes we need the cold light of death before we can see reality,"

Layla crouched behind the pillar, making herself scarce from anyone's view as she withheld her emotions within herself.

A set of footsteps alerted her and stabbed the man that was in her vicinity, muffling his groan against her shoulder as she slowly laid him on the ground.

Harrow had strode over to the front of the tomb and raised his staff in front of him as it elongated and intensified. He held up Ammit's ushabti and everyone else kneeled in front of him, "Who wants to heal the world?"

Once Harrow and his people had cleared, Layla tiptoed her way back to where you and Marc alid on the centre of the tomb, lifeless.

"Marc," Layla shook his lightly, hoping he'd wake up, "Marc,"

But when he didn't, reality struck her like a lightning bolt nad her let out soft cries, muffflinf them the best she could against her palm and she rocked back and forth in her place. She pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"Y/N—" her voice broke when she turned towards your corpse, only adding to the already growing agony within her. She made her way towards your lifeless body and let a whimper escape her lips. She leaned forward to push your hair back and pressed a kiss to your cheek, silently promising that she'd avenge both your and Marc's death.

She stiffened when she sensed a presence behind her and turned to defend. But her attacker was faster and restrained her hand with her own. 

Layla recognized this woman at once. Elodie.

"Stop resisting and listen to me!" Elodie had Layla pinned to the pillar behind, stopping her from struggling when she was trying to put up a fight.

"Why should I?!" Layla shoved her back in anger.

"But I never wanted Y/N dead," Elodie stressed with a glare, "I just wanted her safe from Heka. I know the torment you have to go through to be his avatar,"

"How can I trust you?" she narrowed her eyes at her.

"The fact that I haven't handed you over to Harrow shows how serious I am about my change of heart," she raised a shoulder in a casual shrug, "Besides, you're gonna want to know you're way and I'll be your tour guide,"

── 。゚: *. .* :. ───

Both Layla and Elodie had hitched a ride on one of Harrow's trucks. A policeman in front of them motioned for the truck Arthur was in to stop, the trucks behind him stopped as well.

"What are you doing on this road?" He spoke in Arabic, as one hit the truck and Harrow exited it.

The policemen pointed their guns at all of them, as they yelled when they saw Harrow's cane.. Arthur put his hands up to show he meant no harm.

"It's all right. It's all right," Harrow spoke to his disciples, "It's all right. It's all right,"

"Show me your papers," one of the policemen demanded.

"I don't need to show you my papers," Harrow responded, "You need to show us your soul," he planted his cane into the ground, purple emitting from all of the soldiers' body, except for one. The one in front of him was the only balanced soul.

"This is the face of a good man," Harrow announced, "You don't need this anymore," He touched the man's shoulder and grabbed his radio before throwing it to the ground.

"Move the bodies out of the way," one of the women ordered, "Let's go! Clear a path,"

Layla grabbed a knife from her side and held it at her side readily. Elodie had strode over to the front to help but kept an eye on her nonetheless.

"Don't do it. Layla, wait," Taweret was speaking through one of the soldiers, "I am the Goddess Taweret,"

Layla blinked at the soldier's corpse for a few seconds before she shook it off as her own imagination and walked ahead.

"Layla, it's Marc and Y/N who's telling you to stop,"

"What the hell is this?" Layla grunted in confusion and frustration.

"Uh," the soldier dropped to the ground when Taweret groaned.

Layla hesitated before she replied, "They're dead. Both of them are dead,"

"And I'm talking to you through dead people right now. So what?" Taweret scoffed, "Listen, Harrow is too powerful for you to stop him alone. If Marc and Y/NIf they can return to life,"

Elodie had overhead the conversation from decent distance and joined Layla's side, "What do you mean, 'return to life'?"

"They're going to need Khonshu and Heka. Break their ushabtis," Taweret instructed, "It's in the Chamber of the Gods. And either of you ladies can be my Avatar. Marc and Y/N have said wonderful things about you, Layla,"

"No, no, no," Layla shook her head, "I'll fight him on my own,"

"It's time to go!" a woman yelled out and everyone got back on the vehicles.

── 。゚: *. .* :. ───

Harrow's people were getting ready to go into the pyramid. Layla and Elodie were among them as they tried to find a better moment to sneak into the Chamber of Gods. Harrow hit his cane into the ground, and the pyramid opened up an entrance for them.

"The disturbance," Osiris said when all the other deities surrounded him through their respective avatars, "Your Gods felt it too,"

"But what does it mean?" Horus asked.

"Someone is trying to release Ammit,"  Hathor interjected.

"But why?"

"Harrow," Osiris realized.

"Come. You won't believe what the Gods have hidden from mankind. You're judges, not warriors," Harrow led everyone forward.

All the gods came down from the steps to face Arthur and his followers.

"You're judges, not warriors," Harrow stepped down the stairs, "This doesn't need to happen,"

Osiris made a movement with his hands, while Arthur pointed his cane at him. A purple blast emitted, throwing all the avatars back before they could brace themselves. 

One of his followers gave him the Ushabti, and he stared at it. He hurled it to the ground and watched as purple mists rose in a tornado, then there, Ammit stood in front of them all, tall and proud, her braids following behind her.

Everyone got to their knees in praise, bowing their heads low in respect.

── 。゚: *. .* :. ───

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