First Impressions

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For anyone curious, the title is from my friend Ossa! Check Ossa out here:

A lot of my rottmnt titles are from Ossa. This one means Through Adversity To The Stars. I believe it is Latin!

April has been a weirdo magnet all her life. Her mom says that she sees the world differently from everyone else and to never let that die. April would be digging around in the trash instead of hanging out with other kids. She would visit the old peoples home instead of having playdates. She loved to watch anime instead of the typical cartoons. April was the weirdo for most of her life, only having one sort of friend, Dale.

When she was eleven, April found out she isn't the weirdest thing in New York.

When she was eleven, April made her first real friends.

When she was eleven, April ended up a big sister.

There are giant turtles on her apartment building's roof. April can't believe it.

"Incoming Box!" the one with red markings around his eyes yells, throwing a basketball at the one with orange markings.

Box runs and jumps onto the roof of the roof access. He jumps to catch the ball, flipping and landing on the big one's shell.

"Got it!" Box cheers, "You're up, Softshell!"

Box throws the ball at the other turtle. Unlike Slider, Box throws the ball softly and directly at Softshell. Softshell fumbles with it, trying to catch it. Eventually, he manages to get a grip and pulls it into his chest, laughing.

"I got it!" Softshell declares, "I'm amazing!"

The other turtles cheer, congratulating Softshell. Clearly, he is not naturally sporty. April giggles at that.

The turtles freeze.

They look right at her. April closes the door to the staircase, hiding, covering her mouth with a gasp. They heard her.


Why is she so scared?

They are different, but isn't she? She knows what it's like to be judged based on appearance. April opens the door a sliver and peaks out.

"What do we do, Snapper? That was a human!" Box asks, voice panicked, still perched on the big one's shell.

"We need to move," Slider says, head poking over Snapper's shoulder.

He's hidden behind Softshell, who's leaning out from behind Snapper's arm. Snapper seems to be panicking, looking anywhere and everywhere but at his companions. April looks at the abandoned basketball and makes her decision.

She pushes the door open, catching the attention of the turtles. She walks over and picks up the ball. She lifts it up to the turtles, not wanting to approach anymore and scare them.

The first thing April ever says to them is, "Can I play?"

The turtles all look at each other. The three smaller ones look at Snapper. Snapper looks between them. He must be in charge, like April's mom is. Maybe he's the oldest?

Slider pushes under Softshell and Snapper's arms. Softshell tries to grab his arm, but misses and Slider approaches April. He stops a few feet from her and stares at her for a few seconds. He reaches for the ball, eyes watching her every move, and takes it from her hands. He takes a few steps backwards.

April tries to ignore the feeling of disappointment.

A ball hits her in the face.

"I thought you wanted to play," Slider asks, still eyeing her with suspicion and it doesn't escape her notice that the others are close enough to grab him and run, "You need to catch it to play."

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