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Justin's POV

We sat in my bed for what seemed to be hours but in reality, was only for about thirty minutes. Through that time, I tried to rid my mind of the thoughts of the Handler who hurt me and instead focused on those who were here with me. While their faces were still blurry figures in my mind... distant memories, I didn't stop my dad, Ian, from telling me who they were.

It hurt to not remember them, no matter how hard I tried. Before I heard the dreadful news, I'd gotten vague images in my mind from before my time in the facility. Although those images were unhelpful, there was still something about them that rubbed me I'm the wrong way.

"Just as we were, Maverick has been extremely worried since you went missing," Ian was saying when I tuned back to him.

"Maverick," I whispered as I glanced toward the man with dirty blond hair in the room who stood by Emile's brother, Michael. His head rested on Mikhail's shoulder and the taller man seemed to be comforting him. For a moment, I wondered just what Michael was doing here after I'd told his brother to leave, but I brushed the thought aside and focused on the man who looked just as distressed as the rest of my family.

"Yeah, he's your best friend," Ian stated and gestured for Maverick to come over to us. Maverick hesitated, looking quite apprehensive as I hadn't given any indication that I was comfortable with that. But when I didn't outrightly refuse, he did walk slowly to me and took my hands in his much larger ones.

"I wish I could remember you all," I sobbed, tears pricking my eyes for what seemed to be the 100th time that day. Everything would have been so much simpler and none of us would be in this much pain if I could just remember. It hurt to not remember a single thing from my past. It hurt to know that whatever plans I may have had were now put on hold for however long.

It fucking hurt that the only memories I currently had were of Kylan's death and my time in that godforsaken facility.

The door to the room opened as my family and Maverick did their best to comfort me. The doctor from before who I now knew as Roger, walked in with a silver briefcase in hand. He still made me slightly weary but it wasn't as much as before since he had gotten rid of the white lab coat and now looked different in a simple white button-up shirt and black pants.

He looked at me with kind eyes as he approached the bed. "May I have a moment alone with you?"

I bit my lip as I turned to my dad.

"Will you be okay?" Ian asked me.

I knew the answer was definitely in the negative but I was willing to try so I nodded. Ian pulled me into a tight hug and kissed the top of my head before following the rest of my family out of the room together with Maverick and Mikhail.

I looked up at Roger once the door closed and he gave me a small smile.

"I wanted to have a little conversation with you regarding your memories," he began as he took a seat on the now vacant chair.

What was this about, I wondered. I was curious, but I remained silent and waited for him to continue.

"Can you tell me if you've had any flashes so far?"

I stared blankly for a moment, confused about what he meant. Glancing sideways, I licked my lips and sat up slightly before looking back at him. "Flashes?"

He nodded. "A scene, an image, any moment you've had that seems to be from a distant past but you can't make sense of," he explained, his gaze never leaving mine.

I nodded, breathing in as I laced my fingers together over my stomach. The only clear images were of Kylan and other Consorts I'd seen in the facility and as much as I hated it, they seemed to be the ones that lay at the forefront of my mind.

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