Can't Help Falling in Love - Austin

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Your boyfriend of two years, Austin Butler gets home late at night after a long day of filming for his upcoming movie 'Elvis'. You two dance in the living room of your apartment to 'Can't Help Falling in Love'.

Enjoy! <3

You started dating Austin two years ago. You met Austin when he was visiting New York a couple of years ago - he wandered into the book store you work in in Brooklyn and insisted you let him take you on a date that night, and you couldn't resist his charm. For Austin, it was love at first sight, and although it took you a while to fully open up and trust him, there's never been any doubt in your mind that Austin is the one. He's the most attentive, loving boyfriend you could ever imagine.

On Austin's days off, he always has dinner and a bubble bath waiting for you getting home from work, but this hasn't happened very often over the last six months due to him filming 'Elvis'. Although you're extremely happy for him, you miss Austin terribly when he's not around. His days of filming tend to be very long - some nights he doesn't get home until 1am. Unfortunately, today isn't one of Austin's days off.

You lay on the couch wearing your boyfriend's shirt, the music channel playing from the television. Your phone sits on your chest as you listen to your best friend rant about an incident with a rude customer. You reach your hand out, lifting the wine glass filled with white wine from the floor and bringing it to your lips, glancing at the clock on the wall, which reads 12.30am. You sigh.

"And then she was like 'no, why would I do that?' And I was like-"

Your best friend speaking from your phone is interrupted when you hear the front door of your apartment being opened.

"Rach, I'm sorry, I gotta go. I'll call you in the morning?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Love you," your best friend speaks from your phone.

"Love you too." You end the phone call just as your boyfriend appears at the living room door. He stands in the doorway wearing a navy blue t-shirt and a pair of grey sweat pants.

You swear you'll never get used to how good looking he is.

"Hi baby," he says, a smile on his face.

A smile grows on your face and you quickly sit your glass on the floor, standing up and running towards your boyfriend. Austin drops his bag to the floor as your arms wrap around his neck and he lifts you off the ground, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist. You give his lips a few quick pecks - the last one lingering for a few seconds - before you pull away, muttering, "hi, Mr Presley," with a smile on your face.

A smile pulls on Austins lips and he breathes out a laugh through his nose. "Hi," he says, gazing up at you through tired, blue eyes. "How was work?" he asks, his arms around your waist loosening as he lowers you back down to the ground.

"It was good," you say, Austin's hands still resting around your waist as you look up at him. "Quiet. How was yours?"

Austin raises his hand, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, his eyes running over your face. "It was good, baby. M'tired though." Austin's hand rests on the side of your face and you feel his cool rings on your skin as his thumb draws gently back and forth over your cheek.

You hope he can't feel how warm your cheeks are, he never fails to make you blush even after two years together.

Your fingers gently play with the hair at the nape of Austin's neck as you gaze up at him. "I know," you say quietly.

You've never seen Austin work so hard on a movie before. He really has put his heart and soul into this role, so you can't even begin to imagine how tired he is, especially on the longer days - like today.

"You know I'm proud of you, right?" you say. "I'm so proud of you, Austin." You gaze up at him in adoration.

Austin smiles, pressing a long, gentle kiss to your lips. "I know, baby." He says against your lips, pecking them. "Thank you."

Your gaze turns to the television on the wall behind you when you hear the opening of 'Can't Help Falling in Love' by none other than Elvis Presley, playing from the television.

"Look who it is," you say, a smile on your face as you turn your gaze back to your boyfriend.

A smile pulls on Austin's lips. "Dance with me, baby?" He removes his hands from your waist, taking your hand in his and leading you to the middle of the living room.

Austin stops walking and turns around to face you, keeping your hand in is, his other hand snaking around your waist. Your free hand snakes up Austin's muscular arm, coming to rest on the back of his neck as you both start swaying to the song.

With it being 12.30am, the only light filling the room is the light coming from the television, casting a gentle shadow over Austin's face. He looks down at you, his eyes filled with absolute adoration as you both sway to the song, his thumb running gently back and forth over your knuckles.

Your fingers play with the hair at the nape of Austin's neck as you gaze up at him, in absolute awe of him and how beautiful he is.

Your gaze travels over your boyfriend's face, his lips parted as his ocean blue eyes flick between yours adoringly, a strand of hair falling perfectly over his tanned forehead.

Take my hand

Take my whole life too

For I can't help

Falling in love with you

Austin lowers his head so his forehead leans against yours. "I love you, baby," he says. "So much."

You smile, your eyes fluttering shut as you both sway to the song, feeling Austin's forehead resting against yours. "I love you more."

Austin shakes his head, "oh, no you don't."

A smile pulls on your lips. "Mhm." You nod.

"No-" you cut your boyfriend off before he can finish his sentence by pressing a loving kiss to his soft lips. You feel Austin smiling into the kiss, making you smile too as you both sway to Elvis Presley singing from the television.

In this moment, you feel nothing but absolute love for your boyfriend. Love and adoration. You know it doesn't get much better than this; in your boyfriend's arms, dancing to 'Can't Help Falling in Love' in the living room of your New York apartment.

"You're the love of my life," Austin mumbles against your lips before pressing another gentle kiss on them.

For I can't help

Falling in love with you

Austin Butler/Elvis Presley ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now