Caught Kissin' - Elvis

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Elvis's mom catches you two kissing.

This one was a request. This is a shorter one but I hope you enjoy<3


You slowly open the door to Elvis's house, hearing it creak as you do so. "Bye!" you hear Sharon call from behind you. You wave at your best friend, looking at her over your shoulder. She smiles from the drivers seat of her Ford Fairlane, driving away.

Turning around, you step inside Elvis's house, finding the small space in almost complete darkness, the doorway lit up by some dim lamps sitting at either side of the room.

Slowly, you slip your high heels off your feet, making sure to be quiet so you don't wake Elvis's parents.

You and Elvis have been going out for half a year now. Although there's a slight age gap with him being 21 and you being 18, there's no doubt in your mind that he's the one.

Elvis is always talking about how he can't wait to make you his wife and that once he makes it as a singer, he's gonna buy a big house for you both to live in. But you don't care about a big house, as long as you have Elvis.

Six months into your relationship, you and Elvis are still in the honeymoon stage, if your being honest, you don't think it'll ever end. You can't keep your hands off each other, so you sleep over at Elvis's house most nights. The only disadvantage is that he lives with his parents, so at the times where you really can't keep your hands off each other, you have to be quiet.

High heels in hand, you slowly walk down the dimly lit hallway, being careful not to step on the creaky parts of the floorboards as you walk. Suddenly, Elvis walks around the corner, making you inhale sharply. There's a strand of jet black hair hanging over his forehead jn the way you love, his blue eyes flicking between yours.

"Baby," you place your hand on your chest. "You gave me a frigh-"

You're interrupted when Elvis crashes his lips against yours, his large hands holding either side of your face. You hum into the kiss, your eyes falling closed. Holding your heels by your side, you raise your free hand, placing it on the back of Elvis's neck.

"What took you so long?" Elvis asks against your lips.

"I got caught up with Sharon," you say, your lips moving with your boyfriend's as if his were made for you. Elvis hums into the kiss, tilting his head down. You tilt your head back to meet Elvis's kiss and his tongue runs along your bottom lip. You open your mouth, welcoming him, trying to keep up with Elvis's urgent pace.

"Mm, I gotta have ya right now," Elvis says against your lips, walking you two towards his bedroom without breaking the kiss.

"Elvis," you say against his lips.

"Mhm?" Elvis says into the kiss, his tongue moving with yours urgently as his hands roam your body.

"What about your parents?" you whisper, breaking the kiss. Immediately, Elvis's lips find your neck and he begins peppering sensual kisses along your skin, sending butterflies erupting in your stomach.

"They're out," Elvis says against your neck, biting down on it before pressing a kiss over the spot. You're sure it'll leave a mark but you don't care. You smile, dropping your heels on the floor to place your hands on either side of Elvis's face. You pull Elvis's face away from your neck, pressing your lips to his.

Your eyes fall closed as your tongue enters Elvis's mouth. Suddenly, you're pushed against a door, it slamming shut behind you. You open your eyes, finding yourself in Elvis's bedroom.

Your eyes close once again as your lips move with Elvis's. He pushes his tongue into your mouth, his tongue now dominating yours. Elvis always likes to take control with you.

Elvis's hands move from either side of your face to your shoulders, pulling off your jacket. You hear the zip hitting the floor, Elvis's fingertips running softly down your arms.

Elvis's lips continue to move with yours as he walks you further into his bedroom, pressing your body against the cool wall. His fingers dig into your waist, sending a shiver up your spine. You feel the strap of your dress falling over your shoulder, your hands on the back of Elvis's neck as he kisses you.

Suddenly, the bedroom door bursts open, "y/n, honey, you left your shoe-"

You rip your lips from Elvis's as quick as you can, tearing your hands off of each other. Your eyes snap open, Elvis's mother gasping. Your gaze meet's Elvis's for a split second before you turn your gaze to his mother, your lips parted.

If the ground could open up and swallow you right now, that would be marvellous.

"I'm sorry!" you say, your hand coming up to cover your mouth.

"I'm sorry!" Elvis's mother says back, quickly sitting your shoes down on his drawers to her left, taking hold of the door handle.

Elvis inhales, "mama-"

"No, it's okay," Gladys says awkwardly, quickly stepping out of the room, the door shutting sharply behind her.

Your hands cover your mouth in shock. You look up to Elvis, your eyes widened. Your eyes widen further when you notice a smile pulling on Elvis's lips. Your lips part, "you find this funny!" you swat his chest.

Elvis lets out a laugh, immediately covering his mouth to try and hide his smile. Your jaw drops, "Elvis!" you say, stunned at how relaxed he is about this.

Why is he laughing?

"I'm sorry, baby," Elvis says, a smile pulling on his lips. "It's just the look on your face," he laughs.

You swear that if your eyes widen any more, they'll pop out of your head.

"Oh my god," you say, covering your face with your hands. "Your mama just caught us kissin'," you say, your voice muffled slightly by your hands. "She's never gonna look at me the same, ever again."

"Baby." Elvis takes hold of your wrists, pulling your hands away from your face. "We've been together for six months, I'm sure my mama knows that we do a lot more than kissin'," he says, holding your hands by his side, his thumb gently drawing back and forth over your knuckles.

You inhale deeply, looking into Elvis's blue eyes. "Yeah, I guess," you say.

"I'll talk to her later, okay?" Elvis says, intertwining his fingers with yours.

You nod. "Okay," you say softly.

Elvis raises your hand, his blue eyes on yours as he presses a gentle kiss on your knuckles, making you blush. Elvis smiles down at you, slowly lowering his head towards yours.

"Now, baby," he says, his voice deep. He releases your hands from his grip, his large hands now holding either side of your face. He presses a kiss on your lips, "where were we?"

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