Owen and Maisie |ch.02

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The creature with burning blue eyes is flying over a snowy landscape that seems quiet and peaceful at first until a herd of parasaurolophus charges under the unseen beast. I would've thought of you as food, but now... I'm not sure the beast ruined but not loud enough for the parasaurolophus to hear. A group of horsemen chasing after. This peeks at the flying creature's attention, and she locks her eyes upon them. A man on an orange-like horse leads them. The horseback riders make their way into the center of the stampeding herd, driving them toward the plains. Owen makes it to the front of the pack as he notices one of the hadrosaurs charging to the left and goes after it while the others are driving the rest of the herd. Owen gets a lasso, hurls it over the hadrosaur's neck, and tugs backward to slow it down, tying it to the saddle on his horse, but the parasaurolophus charges down a steep hill, making Owen grip the rope for dear life, being hauled off his horse. He then proceeds to be snow skid by the hadrosaur as it heads downhill, but Owen uses his foot to latch onto a broken tree stump and ties the rope onto it, making the parasaurolophus halt in its tracks. Owen holds onto the rope as the hadrosaur thrashes and struggles to break free of its bindings.

All this, they've not noticed the flying beast who makes the dinosaur a little uneasy. "Okay, okay..." Owen says as his hands climb his hands up the rope and slowly lifts one hand to the hadrosaur's snout. Gradually, the parasaurolophus stops struggling and calms down, looking at Owen straight in the eye. The beast in the air slowly descends from the perspective, landing not far. Its presence makes the parasaurolophus calm down completely. "We're going to get you someplace safe," Owen says, not seeing the beast watching him and the Dino from behind, her talons crunching into the snow, making talon prints.

Owen slowly places his hand on the hadrosaur's snout earning its trust. "There you go. There you go."

14-year-old Maise. She tugs a worker's jacket next to her and whispers into his ear. not far away, the workers on a crane are lighting a flare and slowly waving it and honk the horn of a large truck to get the sauropod's attention.

Little did she and the workers know that the same eyes were watching them. We will see each other more; the little girl, the beast, thinks and vanishes into the shadows. Soon Maise goes home seeing Claire by the fire. "Hey!" the redhead calls, smiling. Maisie makes her way to the steps but stops and removes her headphones. "Where you been?" claire asked, clearly worried. maise, cover it up with a terrible lie if you ask me. " Nowhere. What are you burning?" claire shrugs. "Oh, nothing, just some old blankets. You sure you didn't go past the bridge?" she presses on ": I say it could get you to think I'm lying." claire tilts her head. "Well, are you?" the girl shakes her head though she knows by now that claire knows she's lying. " Maisie, you're looking everywhere but here." 

Anger blooms in Maise's chest, and she snaps at her adoptive mother. Once more, the humans are unknown to the beast lurking in the shadows. The beast's nostrils flare as a deep chuckle rumbles out of it. You fool no one, little girl, she thinks and smiles fondly. humans and their way of avoiding arguments while still creating them. " I said I didn't go past the bridge." maise snaps again and enters the house with Claire behind her. Maisie takes off her backpack and tosses it on the couch as she heads to the fireplace. "Maisie, can we start over?" Clarie asks.'

maize rolls her eyes " I know, Claire. There are people out there who do anything to find me." this wasn't exactly what the redhead meant, but it was close enough. "I'm not angry. So that means you don't have to be angry," she says, getting maize to defend herself. "I'm not angry. I can take care of myself." the girl walks over to her room to a wall hanging pictures. "Hey, it's okay for us to depend on each other. That's what people do." claire says, going into the doorway and looking at the young girl. She thinks she's not real, and it hurts her. 

" How would I know what people do? The only people I've spoken to in the past four years are you and Owen. Besides, I'm not even a person!" maize says, getting increasingly frustrated. "what?!" claire scoffs, "I must be from someone else. I'm not me." Maisie slumps onto her bed. Claire walks up to her and bends to her level. "You were the only you who ever was." ahh, that didn't help claire. The brunette stares blankly at her adoptive mother " What?" Clarie says, sounding offended. Maisie holds back the urge to laugh. " Nothing." Clarie raises a brow " Was that- like really corny?" she says, and maize nods. "That's so corny." she says, and claire smiles " Can we keep that between us?" she asks, but maize shrugs a little "I can't promise that." They hear an engine and look to see Owen pull up outside. Maisie heads out, leaving Claire by herself. Maisie gets out of the house as Owen walks up to her.

" Hey, kid!" he calls, smiling " Hi." the girl with the hood says, smiling, and the two do their fist bump high five as they both hug. "you smell like horses," she says, scrunching up her nose. Owen and claire hcukle. Suddenly they hear a sound like a foot stepping on something. "behind me," Owen says, standing in an attack position. The two girls do as he says. Out of the forest comes a girl dressed in something that looks like dinosaur scales, but at the same time, it's bigger and more complex. "who are you?" Owen says, still in his position. The girl shrugged. "that depends on what you call me, Mr. Grady" Owen's eyes widened. 

"how do you know my name?" he says, now getting more defense. The girl smiles warmly "hmm, what can I say?" she says and walks a little closer. "I see it in your eyes and hear it in your mind. Owen Grady. A raptor trainer at Jurrasic world.. or was it? Huh, I thought those magnificent creatures survived. The world flows with them. I see them everywhere. And I was here before them. I know they're not supposed to be here, but I will let them live" the three humans frown, and Owen relaxes a little. "what do you mean 'i was here before them?" the woman smiles, coming even closer, so her eyes stare directly into Owen's. "I've been here since God made this world. I am its protector" Owen saw the woman's eyes flash, the pupils dilating before returning to normal. "I am here to help you." 

In the forest, two raptors stop as the biggest one sniffs the air. The two then proceed to stalk a grazing bunny slowly. Blue then stops with Beta doing the same. She eyes the rabbit just as a wolf lunges forward and grabs the bunny in its jaws, shaking the life out of it. Blue calls out, allowing Beta to sprint ahead and pounce on the wolf. The sound of the wolf whimpering in pain is then heard by Owen fixing his motorcycle. he and then Claire proceed to listen to a raptor calling out.

This perks the woman's attention, who is still dressed in her blue scaled armor. "let's go inside," the woman says. Soon the night comes, and s Owen and Maisie are by a fire with the woman. "you asked me for my name," she says, and both maize and Owen look at her. "yeah, I did," Owen says, stopping his spikkiung a stick "my name is Saphira" the woman now known as Saphira says smiling. Owen nods. "why do you have scales on your body?" maize asks, making the woman chuckle "are they your armor?" Saphira nods "yeah, and don't worry; it's not from a dino. It's my own" Owen looks at her like she's crazy "what? we humans cant make scales" saphria rolls her eyes. "Owen, I said I'm not a human. I've never said what I was. But don't worry, you'll find it out," she said. Clarie then comes out seeing saphria sitting beside maize, learning her to spike a stick. 

The redhead sits next to Owen, and the two look at one another. Claire gestures to Maisie, and Owen inhales. " Listen, kid, we should probably talk about you are going into town." he says, making the girl look away from the stick and pasuye her silent conversation with saphria " I don't think you understand how bad it is being trapped." she says " You're not trapped here. We just don't trust people." Owen says, but maize shakes her head " No, you just don't trust me, and then you expect me to trust you. So why can't I have any freedom?" Owen says, "Because you can't." Maisie scoffs and proceeds to head into the house. "you know, but" Saphira says, standing up too, "you should give that kid her freedom. I know you have your reasons, and I have nothing to do with them. But as a kid and a growing one, she should be allowed to explore the world and live her life. we don't have much time in our lives, you know." 

With those words, the blue armored woman went inside the house, leaving claire and Owen to ponder her words. 

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