Episode 1 - Visions and Doctors

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Her breath fell heavy as she ran. Every bone in her body begged for her to stop but she knew she couldn't. Sounds of growls and leaves crunching came from behind her, egging her to run faster. But it wasn't enough. The sounds became closer and closer before she was suddenly pushed to the ground, screaming as she felt the Demogorgon's teeth sinking into her shoulder.

Then, suddenly, it was all gone. The Demogorgon, the pain, the feeling of dirt and leaves beneath her, the woods, it all disappeared. Dark clouds surrounded her as a red bolt of lightning struck, filling her vision with red and her ears with the sound of thunder.

Donna jumped awake with a gasp. Her breaths coming quick as her hand absentmindedly touched her intact shoulder. She sighed, turning her head to her nightstand clock.


"Shit!" She quickly got up, throwing on some jeans and a t-shirt before grabbing her jacket and keys. "Bye mom!" 

By the time she got to school everyone was already inside. Donna ran through the hallways before finally getting to her classroom. She accidentally swung the door a little too hard causing a bang. The whole class simultaneously looked at her as well as the teacher making her wince.

"Ms. Henderson. Any reason you're joining us late this morning?" Mrs. Boyd looked at the girl over her glasses with an accusatory look. Donna however, just gave her an innocent smile. 

"Well, you see. I was going to be here on time but then my homework ate my dog." The whole class lowly giggled at the girl while Mrs. Boyd sighed, silently questioning her choice to become a teacher.

"Do you mean your dog ate your homework?" 

"Yes! That one! Now, don't mind me. Please, continue with the class." Donnie went to go sit in her usual seat next to Steve but the teacher's voice stopped her.

"Not so fast, Donna. Since you took your time getting here and missed our newest member's introduction, you get the joy of sitting next to Billy. Maybe he can fill you in on what you missed."

"Oh, you know, I can be a little slow sometimes and Steve is just the best at-"

"Now, Donna." 

Sighing, she looked to Steve who shrugged with a clearly amused look on his face. She rolled her eyes at him before making her way to the only unfamiliar person. Perks of living in a small town, everyone knows everyone. 

"Billy Hargrove." The unfamiliar face held out his hand to her as she sat. 

Con of living in a small town, everyone knows everyone. 

"Donnie" She gave a small smile shaking his hand, watching as his smirk grew. Donna resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the cockiness that almost radiated off of him. She can feel the oncoming's of a Tommy 2.0.

"Nice to meet you, Donna" 

"Just Donnie." She corrected and turned away from him, not allowing him to say anything back. The rest of the class went by dreadfully slowly as  Mrs. Boyd went on and on about the most common mistakes from the last test. Donnie almost wanted to kiss the bell as it rang, walking fast to try and catch up to Steve but got stopped by a hand on her shoulder before she could even leave the classroom.

Billy gave her another charming smile, looking her up and down. "I'm a little lost trying to find my way around these halls. Would you mind helping me out a bit?" She raised her eyebrows at him, holding back a laugh at his obvious flirting. Billy's smile grew as she took a step closer to him, making Donnie's smile grow in amusement.

"It's a small town and even smaller school. You're a big boy. I'm sure you'll figure it out, sweet cheeks." She patted his cheek and gave him a wink before walking away.

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