Obi wan and Anakin clashing their sabers together walking over the body's of dead separatist droids and leaders Anakin force pushes Obi wan into the control system making the whole place crumble into the lava
Obi wan gets back up to fight once more and see Anakin try to slash his head off barley missing but hits Obi Wans eye and he screams in pain.
Obi wan backs up still having his guard up.
Obi wan: Anakin. I have failed you.
Anakin: I know you have! That's why I'm going to kill you now!
Obi wan leaps to the surface having the high ground and stops.
Obi wan: It's over Anakin! I have the high ground!
Anakin: You underestimate the power of the dark side Obi wan!
Obi wan stunned as Anakin no longer calls him master but his name. Feeling defeated as he has lost his padawan he ignited his light saber as Anakin jumps over him and try's to stab him.
Anakin: The high ground won't get you anywhere this time old man!
Obi wan stays quiet still dueling his former padawan he hears pademé scream
Distracted by padmé Anakin thrusts his lightsaber into obi wan and obi wan drops to his knees.
Obi wan: Anakin... I'm sorry.... I'm sorry I failed yo-
Not being able to finish his sentence Anakin cuts obi wans head off and padmé screams
Anakin sees a shuttle flying down and goes towards the shuttle as his mission is complete.
Palpitine walks out said shuttle and walks towards his apprentice
Palpitine: good my apprentice good now we shall rule the galaxy!Anakin strikes down Palpitine and says the words
Anakin: No. I will rule the galaxy. Not us.
Anakin finds padmé sobbing over obi wans body. Padmé picks up obi sans lightsaber and his head and runs to her ship.
Anakin goes on the shuffle clone troopers behind him and they fly off.
If Anakin won the battle on mustafar
ActionAs you know obi wan and anakin fought on mustafar but what if Anakin won that fight and never had the suit of vader.