Part Five

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Normani was walking to Ally's apartment. She was very excited to see Ally. This was their third day walking to work together. She had already texted Ally that she was on the way. She knocked on the door, and Ally and Ladybelle opened the door. "Hey-" Like the day before, Normani was pulled into the apartment and pinned against the wall by Ally before the door could shut fully.

"Did you bring it?" Ally's hands grabbed Normani's hips. "Where is it? Is this it?" She pulled at the hoodie that Normani was wearing.

Normani laughed, pulling Ally's hands off of her. "Yes." She took off the too big pink hoodie and gave it to Ally who squealed and clapped her hands.

"You shouldn't have! I love it!" Ally pulled the hoodie over her head. It was about three sizes too big for her and completely engulfed her. The sleeves were too long, and the hoodie stopped at the middle of her thigh.

Normani smiled amusingly. "You told me to bring you a hoodie." She put the hood over Ally's head. Ally looked so adorable in her clothes. Her cute aggression was telling her to bite Ally, but she didn't because she didn't want to hurt her.

Ally hugged herself, inhaling Normani's scent. "It's so warm." She sighed contently, rocking herself. "And it fits me so well. It even matches my collar for today, Beau." Ally bounced up and down.

Normani rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. She knew what Ally was doing. Some omegas like to take an alpha that they fancy clothes because of their scent. Normani realized that Ally was trying to scent bond with her a long tine ago. She noticed it the very first day when Ally tucked her handkerchief in her pocket that day in the elevator. "I'm not getting my jacket back, am I?"

Ally slid the hood off her head with a huge grin on her face. "Nope, it belongs to me now." She grabbed Normani's shirt collar, bringing her down to her level, so she could rub her cheek against Normani. "It's mine now. All mine." Ally purred. She rubbed her wrists against Normani's chest.

When Ally finished, Normani cupped Ally's face and kissed her. Ally's scent smelled different today. It was sweeter, and more attractive. She picked Ally up and held her against the wall without breaking their kiss. She gripped the omega's ass to keep her steady.

Ally wrapped her arms and legs around Normani. They kissed for a few minutes before Ally slipped her tongue into Normani's mouth as the ravenette pressed against her. She pulled away out of breath, and laid her head against the wall. She began to purr softly with her eyes closed. "Oh Beau." That kiss was magnificent. Incredible. Hot. Ally was in a lust filled daze.

Normani wanted more of the omega, but she understood that Ally needed to catch her breath. She kissed Ally's closed eye lids. "Angel, my kind." Normani kissed Ally's cheek. "Smart." She kissed her forehead. "Fierce." She whispered, kissing the omega's nose. "Sexy." She took Ally's bottom lip between her teeth and bit it softly. "Caring." She kissed her chin. "Confident." She kissed Ally's jaw. Ally's scent was getting stronger. "And very, very sweet omega." She bit at Ally's collar, wanting to smell more of the blonde.

Ally was pulled out of her daze. Her eyes popped open. Normani was growling as she ripped the collar with her bare teeth. It could not have been easy. "Normani!" She yelped. She didn't expect for Normani to bite her collar.

Normani quickly pulled away, shaking her head as she stared at the ripped collar. "I'm so sorry. I have no idea what came over me." Normani blinked. She placed Ally down onto the ground. "I'm sorry for ruining your collar." She took a step back. She didn't know what came over her. She had to blame it on her rut coming soon. That was the only thing that made sense.

"It's okay." Ally smiled touching her collar. "I'm not mad." Part of her wondered what would have happened if she let Normani take the collar off of her. Would Normani have marked her? She took the collar off and watched as the alpha focused on her scent gland, licking her lips with a hungry look in her eyes.

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