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This is a disaster. My eyes scanned the whole tavern, and at this very moment, my only objective is to escape this mess because most of our friends are drunk.

Venti is pole dancing on the stage while flirting with most of the guys here. Aether is endlessly crying, while Xi is laughing at him.

"Please tell me we came into the wrong tavern."

"No, we didn't," he replied. I sighed and accepted my fate— that we had just entered hell.

"At last! You two are here." I could tell that Kazuha was relieved when he saw us. His face immediately brightened up, and he looked at us with hope, as if we were the fallen angels brought by the archons.

"What happened?"

"It was awful. I tried to stop Venti, but he keeps on requesting for more until everyone is completely out of it," he replied.

I wanted to smack Xiao on the head earlier for making me wait too long, but now I realize it was a blessing in disguise. Dear archons, thank you for saving my life.

"How many bottles did he order?" Xiao asked. God, his tone is scary, and that's not good at all. It means that Venti has to run his ass out of here.

"I don't remember," Kazuha answered, scratching the back of his head.

I tapped his shoulder and saluted him. "You have my respect, man."

"Why does that sound like an insult instead of a compliment?" he said, taking my hand away.

Is he on his period? He seems moody today, and that gave me goosebumps because he almost sounds like this asshole beside me (talking about Xiao). If ever that happens, kill me.

"Yun!" Xi happily screamed my name as soon as he saw me. He tried to hug me, but his drunkenness caused him to lose balance and trip.

My body immediately reacted and caught him. "Xi, be careful."

He suddenly pulled me closer and gave me a kiss, which caught me off guard. Is it me, or is the atmosphere getting hot in here?

He pulled away first and smiled. "I miss you."

I could feel my cheeks burning. "You... you startled me." He giggled in reply and nuzzled his face comfortably on my chest.

My attention was back on the others when Xiao fakely coughed. "Can't you two do that later?" he said, while carrying Aether on his back.

"Sorry, I was caught in the moment." I answered and carried my boyfriend in a bridal style.

"How beautiful! Why can't I experience that romantic scene with my Xiao, huh? Why is the world so cruel to me? All I wanted was for my beloved crush to love me." Aether cried. I tried not to laugh, but it's hard to hold it in.

"Your boyfriend is complaining because of how dumb you are."

His face turned red as he glared at me. "Fuck you." I rolled my eyes in reply.

"Wait! Where's Kazuha?"

"He said that he'll take care of Venti while we take care of these two. We'll just meet him outside," he answered.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐄𝐑 | xɪᴀᴏ x ᴀᴇᴛʜᴇʀ (On Revision)Where stories live. Discover now