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Brooke laid in bed and sighed. She hadn't been back to her dad's since he had found out about her and Simon. He couldn't look at her.

Brooke hated how messy that everything had become. She missed her dad. But he wouldn't even talk to her. Brooke knew she felt ashamed.

The door opened and Ella walked in. She smiled. She looked to her. "Your dad has called. He said he'll talk to you at break time. But he doesn't want you back there yet. He doesn't know how to cope with everything that had happened," she told her.

Brooke just nodded. The tears were pouring down her cheeks. She hated how her dad didn't want to look at her. She hated how everything had gone so wrong for her.

Brooke went into school. She sighed as she saw everyone looking at her. She wasn't in the mood for it.

Rhiannon walked over to her. "So you've been shagging a teacher. Did he give you extra help with your work? Did he give you a shag everytime you answered a question right?"

Brooke scoffed. She looked to her. "Grow up. You really need to act your age. It's no wonder no one wants to be in a relationship with you. You're a little bitch," she told her.

Rhiannon smiled. "At least I'm not that desperate to sleep with a teacher. Especially when your dad and your auntie work here. You're sick."

"Leave me alone before I hit you."

"You wouldn't."

"Wanna bet?"

Rhiannon smirked. "Lowsley has been suspended cause of you. And your freak affair. You've ruined his life."

Brooke turned to Rhiannon and punched her. She didn't stop. She needed to let her anger out.

Brooke was pulled off of Rhiannon. She turned to see Max Tyler standing there. He looked to her. "Inside. Now."

Brooke stormed off and walked inside. She looked to see her dad. She rolled her eyes. "Now you want to talk to me?"

"You're a disappointment. You know that? First you sleep with your teacher and now you're attacking your fellow school pupils? You're grounded."

Brooke scoffed. "I don't even live with you."

"No. And until all of this has been put right, You're staying with Ella. I don't care anymore. You need to make this right," Tom said.

Brooke rolled her eyes. She glared. "And how am I meant to do that? Seriously. How?"

"I don't know. But you will."

Brooke was sitting in the cooler. Max was there. He sighed. "I just don't know what to do with you anymore Brooke. You've had an affair with your teacher which is wrong by all accounts. But you're attacking others. Do you want to be in this school?"

Brooke shrugged. She smirked. "Ella only talks to you because of Mia. If you didn't have a kid with my auntie, she wouldn't bother. She hates you."

Max rolled his eyes. "This isn't about my relationship with your auntie. This is about you and your actions. I had to suspend Mr Lowsley because of this affair he may not work again."

"Oh dear."

Max said nothing as he walked out. Brooke broke down crying. But she had no idea how this was just the beginning of a downward spiral for her.

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