Late Night Phonecalls

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I think Hopper, the chief of police, is drunk right now. He went into our shed and came out a different man. He's got a big search party and is looking throughout the woods for Will in the lashing rain. My mum, Jonathan and I weren't allowed go on the search party, even though we all felt the need to be out there looking for him.

Jonathan and I have about 10 posters made by the time our mum comes and sits down in between us. "Oh, wow. You guys made these?" She gave us her motherly smile looking up from the posters we were working on. "These are great." She told us but she we both could barely respond without tearing up at the fact that we have to even make the posters. No one should have to make missing posters for their baby brother.

"Wow, they really are." Mum sniffled as she began flicking through them again. To be honest, I could barely even look at the pictures of Will when I was sticking them on. He just looked too innocent and fragile to even be allowed go to the movies on his own, let alone be missing.

" I know I haven't really been there for you guys." She continued leaning back into the old ugly couch that has been in our house since Jonathan and I were born. "I've been...working so hard and I...I just feel bad. And I don't even..barely know what's going on with either of you." She stammered and chuckled but Jonathan and I could both tell she was on the verge of hysterics.
It isn't her fault either that she's never home.

Ever since our excuse of a dad left us we've been low on money to pay for anything really. Not like we ever had a comfortable income, but it's worse now. That's why Jonathan and I both have to work. I think we are the only people our age in Hawkins that actually have a job.

"All right? I am sorry about that." She put either of her hands on Jonathan and I's closest legs to her and shook them reassuringly as we sat in silence. Jonathan broke our thoughts with a soft sob, causing my mum and I to look up from our feet. "You okay?" I asked leaning forward to see him.

"What is it, honey?" Mum asked in her baby voice which always worked on Jonathan for some odd reason. "Nothing" Jonathan practically whispered as he continued to sob and play with his thumbs. "Jonathan..." I sighed looking at his teary face. "No." He sniffled keeping his head trained on his hands.

I was the only one of us not crying. I never cry around my family. Ok, I do when I'm mad or frustrated. But never sad cry. I have to keep everyone together. I have to be the one to reassure them that there's nothing to cry about. Because god knows that my mother won't. She would just join them in crying.

"I should've been there for him." His voice cracked. "Jonathan...don't do that to yourself. I wasn't even working, I was just out with Raquel. If it was anyones fault it's mine. Not yours." I told him, knowing that at this stage no one really cares anymore that I was with Raquel past bedtime. We have much bigger problems now.

"Don't you guys worry...He is...he is close. I know it. I...I feel it in my heart." My mum stammered looking to me on her right and then Jonathan on her left. "You guys just need to trust me on this, okay?" Jonathan and I both nodded and breathed little "yeah"s.

"You always did have great mothers intuition." I mumbled loud enough for both of them to hear. They let out little laughs at my joke and smiled at me, which made me feel a lot calmer.

Our yellow house phone began ringing loudly which caught me particularly off guard for some reason, causing me to let out a little yelp. To which Joyce pounced up at to answer and Jonathan put his arm around me to calm me down again.

We both stared at our mum intensely as she continued to shout "hello?" into our phone. "Lonnie? Hopper? Who is this?"

"Maybe it's Will, Maybe it's Will!" I whisper shouted into Jonathan's ear with hope. We both walked over to get a better hear of the conversation on the phone but was greeted by our mums back turned to us. "Will?" She asked turning to look at Jonathan and I. I looked up at my twin with a small smile on my face.

"Who is this? What have you done to my boy! Give me back my son!" She shouted into our yellow phone which suddenly just had a electrical blow our something. My smile turned into a look of fear as we all stared at our now burned up telephone.

Jonathan crouched down to pick it up and began trying to get through to the other line. I knew it was broken and there was no way so I just slowly stumbled over to my mum and hugged her in fear, shock, sadness , frustration and worry.

"Was it Will, Mom?" I asked her once Jonathan gave up on the phone. "Yes!" She cried out looking down at me. "What did he say?" Jonathan asked. "Do they want money?" I added in, trying not to tear up. "He just breathed. He just breathed." She went back over to our telephone to try call it again. "Was someone else there?" Jonathan asked with his voice going to a higher pitch in worry. "It was him. I know it was his breathing. I know it was his breathing." She repeated wrapping a arm around Jonathan and I.

For the first time since I was 7 years old, I slept in the same bed as my mum. I was jumpy the whole night and anything setted me off into a panic attack and the thunderstorm that night wasn't helping at all. Jonathan came in from my screaming about 50 times so I doubt he got any proper sleep. I had a really bad feeling about everything that had happened recently and no matter how many times my mum kept whispering that it was all going to be okay and Will will be home soon didn't seem to make me feel any bit better.

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