Another (After)Life

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You laid on your floor with your headphones on. Sweet, beautiful music from the 80's metal scene played in your ears while you just enjoyed the day. Everything was just perfect.

This entire day was interrupted when your door opened and someone came storming in. They stepped onto your gut, making you grunt in pain, before they jumped face first onto your bed and screamed into your pillow.

You sat up and tossed your headphones off.

Y/N: I think you broke my rib.

The person spoke into your pillow, making it difficult to understand them.

Y/N: What was that?

The girl liked her head up and cried out.

???: My chemistry homework is impossible!

Y/N: So you step on my ribs and smer makeup all over my pillow? Come on, Drac. You're 1,600. Shouldn't you already know everything there is to know about Chemistry?

Draculaura: I don't like science!

You rolled your eyes and grabbed your headphones

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You rolled your eyes and grabbed your headphones. You placed them around your neck and got to your feet. You pulled out your phone and puased your music.

Y/N: And why are you having your crisis in my room?

Draculaura: Yours was closer.

Y/N: Yours is literally across the hall.

Draculaura said nothing and instead went back to whining in your pillow. You rolled your eyes and walked over to your desk. Since your vibe was now ruined, you decided to work on your project.

You opened the editing software and opened up the video you were working on. It was the newest video for your channel which had just reached 150,000 subscribers. Milestone!

This week's video was of Deuce ramping over the school's fountain. Of course there were outtakes of him....not succeeding, but it filled the content. Plus he liked the reactions and you enjoyed reading the comments.

You hummed to yourself before you felt your phone go off. You pulled it out and smiled when you saw the contact. You answered.

Y/N: Hey. I'm surprised to be hearing from you after so long.

Cupid: Sorry about that. But, I heard there was a party coming up, so I figured I'd...come and visit.

Cupid closed her locker and looked at her phone to see that her friend had sent her the information regarding the time and place for the party.

She was beyond hexcited to see her old friends again. It had been so long and she needed to keep a low profile since Milton would absolutely throw into detention until she graduated if he knew she still kept in touch.

Ever After High: A Wonderful Semester (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now