The Ones We Knew

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The entire school was in shock at the appearance of the Evil Queen. But, you yourself had bigger fish to fry. Oswalt was here somewhere. He could look like anyone. This was tricky. And you were defenseless seeing how your ring was no longer working properly.

Raven: Stand back, mother! I don't know how you escaped your prison but I will not let you hurt my friends!

Purple flames surrounded her hands while her mother just smiled.

Evil Queen: Raven, I love that you're willing to fight with your magic powers but you judge me too harshly.

She held Raven's hands, using her own magic to despell her, before gesturing to the crowd.

Evil Queen: I don't wish harm.

Raven just turned away.

Raven: Nice try mom. I know your tricks.

Evil Queen: Oh, no tricks. It is not so hard to change.

She casted a spell that suddenly changed Professor Rumpelstiltskin into a frog that landed into Hopper's hands.

Evil Queen: See? He just changed.

Hopper Croakington II: Welcome to my world.

Holly's dragon suddenly tried to each the frog teacher which caused him to jump free of Hopper's hold.

Rumpelstiltskin: Augh.

He landed on the ground next to an actual frog. The Evil Queen turned to where Snow White and Apple were standing, a soft look in her eyes.

Evil Queen: Snow White, I am reformed. Ah! And now you have dragons. Why, what fun we could have had together.

Raven, however, wasn't buying it. An neither were you. If she was here at the same time as Oswalt, then they had to be planning something. You just didn't know what.

Raven: Hah! No more games, mother.

Evil Queen: You remember, Snow.

Snow White: We did have an epic rivalry. You versus me, it hexcited the whole school.

An idea suddenly struck the Evil Queen.

Evil Queen: Say, I could coach a team, oh. If I wasn't sent back into the mirror. What do you say, Snow White? Or is the Fairest Of Them All afraid of a little competition?

Snow White: If I recall, the crowd were cheering for me. Okay, you're on.

Everyone gasped. You were even shocked at how.....utterly stupid this lady was! Seriously?! The world's greatest villian of all time escapes and she just let's her stay?!

Snow White: You won't snow what hit you!

Ruby: This is poppycock! POPPYCOCK!

However, the student's concerns were ignored as the Evil Queen ascended the steps up to Snow White.

Snow White: I hereby grant the Evil Queen a temporary pardon.

And it just got worst.

Raven: What? How can you trust my mom not to be evil when she just turned a teacher to a frog!

Y/N: She cursed Wonderland! Some people are still dealing with that! She's pure evil!

Evil Queen: Evil? Okay, I'm changing him back.

She shot out a spell, but she hit the wrong frog and instead, the real frog turned into Rumpelstiltskin. Hopper began to slow clap while the real Rumpelstiltskin stared up in horror.

Evil Queen: There. You happy?

Raven: Happy? I'll be happy when you do something good that's not part of some bargain. Find me when you do.

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