Chapter Seven - Problem Solved?

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I picked up my ringing phone, standing in front of the CEO who had orchestrated the recent attacks.

"She's on the move again." Fred informed me on the other end of the line. I raised a brow, turning my gaze away.

"What do you mean, she's on the move?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

Just as I was about to step aside, the CEO's sudden muttering caught my attention. I was standing on the rope which was attached to his chair.

If I had dared to move my foot, his chair would have crashed through a dented section of the glass curtain walls in his office and he would fall thirty five floors to his death.

"She's taking a cab, so I think she might be going into the town again." I listened as Fred assumed, while watching the CEO struggling in the ropes with duct tape covering his mouth.

"She's probably job hunting, but without her car?" I wondered aloud.

"Well, it seems like she ran out of gas." Fred chuckled, amidst some background noise on the other end of the line.

"That's it? I'm in the middle of dealing with a predicament." I informed him, swiftly grabbing up the rope and gripping it in my hand.

The CEO widened his eyes.

"There's this guy I have been seeing around, often, for a while now." Fred told me and I exhaled a breath, a bit awkward.

"So, you're telling me you're homsexual?" I responded, composed of his statement.

"No, you fucking psychopath." He confirmed and I tugged on the rope, watching the CEO widening his eyes.

I asked, "Then what the fuck are you trying to say?" I looked at the running stopwatch on my wrist.

"There's another guy who's been tailing her otherwise from me, lately." He reported.

"Do you recognize him?" I noticed the CEO shaking his head, glancing around his chair as I loosened the rope a bit.

"No, it doesn't seem like he suspects me either way and I have been trying to stay out of sight, but I think he's in his twenties, so probably it's her boyfriend or ex-boyfriend." Fred pondered the situation over my phone.

Then I assumed, "She doesn't have a boyfriend, so find out who this mystery guy is."

"How are you so sure?" I heard Fred saying, curiosity evident in his tone.

I smirked, reminiscing an image of her curved, perky nipples outlying through her t-shirt as if she was subtly untainted, "Trust me, I know."

"You're the Boss, dude." Fred said, "I will leave you to solve that problem, now." Then, he hung up.

I slipped the phone into my jacket, "Now..." I returned my attention to the CEO, "Where were we?" I asked, tearing the tape from his mouth, abruptly.

He started yelling for help as soon as he finished wincing from the tape, "Nobody is going to hear you." I perched against the desk with the rope in hand.

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