Chapter Four

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At the BeachSide 7, Max was tanning while Emma was serving him.

"Hi, I have your Berry Good Shake". Emma said as she handed Max The shake.

"Thank you, Wait are you Emma Alonzo"? Max asked.

"Yeah Why"?

"You're the chosen one, I'm Max Thunderman, and my family and I are here to recruit you and you Witches, kanays, and your Wizard boyfriend". Max says.

"Wait How do you... YOUR A THUNDERMAN"! Emma says as the Bulldogs came up behind them.

"Hey Emma, this place is awesome". Bella said.

Then Max turned around and he saw the face he could never forget.



"Ha! I Told you I saw him on the plane". Newt said as he jumped up and down.

"Oh, you guys know each other"? Emma asked.

"Yeah, we teamed up to get a ghost out of Sophie's body". Sawyer said.

Then Jax poofed in.

"Is it true the Thundermans are here"? Jax said wearing is Thunderman T-shirt.

"As a matter of fact this is Max Thunderman". Bella said.

"It is an honor to meet you, I'm Jax Novoa". Jax said.

"Max Thunderman".

"So Max, where's the rest of the family". Sophie said.

"Right behind you"! Phoebe said as she went up to group hug everyone.

The Villain was watching...

"Those Thundermans think they can defeat me with the help of those Witches, I have Witches too, and wizards, and Dr. Colosso".

"You'll never get get away with his".

"Oh bunny, I all ready have".

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