~•Chapter 8 - A Night Out•~

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Adam's POV

Once a day of Vidcon had some to an end, a bunch of my friends come together and have a great time just relaxing and hanging out together. It's super fun and a special time since we don't always get to spend the days with each other since we're all working and are just way too far from each other.

Maaz and Rush were hyping up some place that the rest of us didn't know anything about. Some open mic comedy club that had some really great people there. The whole thing sounded interesting to us so James, Maaz, Rush, Illy, Jaiden, Tim, Chris, and Zack all made our way over.

"Are you sure they have a table big enough for all of us?" Illy asked as we were walking towards the place.

"Well we may have to split between a few tables but they always have extra and the space is really big." Maaz explained.

"They have a huge bar too. Perfect for drink testing." Rush added.

"I'll pass as usual, anyone else?" Maaz asked as Jaiden, Illy and Tim all passed on the drinks.

"More for us then." Zack shrugged.

When the entered the building it felt like I was walking into a dream come true. The space had a fancy atmosphere with the colored gold walls and red carpeted floors. It felt like I was a princess walking into a palace, it felt shiny and new but it also felt like a home I grew up in. This was where I always wanted to be. There were a couple of  doors which held theaters behind them to an audience of people who were laughing and enjoying themselves.

While Maaz was speaking about our reservations and getting everything set up James was snapping me out of my own head. "So you'll be performing here someday?" he teased.

I perked up and let my eyes leave his smug face, "I don't know. I'm still no comedian."

"You were really good with the crowd today! You faced your fears. You're doing better than you've ever had."

"Yeah, but this is a much different sort of thing. I'm gonna be on a stage preforming on my own, a lot different than doing an QnA or playing a drawing game."

"Still if you can face your fears and do that, this isn't so far out of reach."

We made our way into one of the rooms, the biggest one. Zack, Chris, Rush, James and I all got our drinks and payed attention to the shows. We were all laughing at each set a comedian put together. It was like magic how they engaged with their audience as if we had no control, we were under their spell and couldn't break free. I felt captivated by them. I couldn't focus on my drink or my friends. It was as if it was just me and the performer alone. Whoever they were, I was connecting to them and I was laughing with them.

I eventually fell out of this after a short intermission for people to get more drinks and for the performers to relax and get a break. I turned around to see James staring at me and wondering how long he was doing it for. He quickly looked down when I noticed.

"Sorry...you're just really cute when you're inspired by something." he mumbled.

I felt my heart flutter a little as I held his hand and smiled back at him, "Thanks Jameson."


After the show, we all walked out together to discuss who we liked the most and which jokes we liked the most.

"I loved when that girl Jamie started joking about problems with other countries. I like the dark humor of it all and how informative it was." Zack answered.

"Jamie fun." Rush groaned as he drunkenly walked beside Maaz.

"Bryan was a just a goofy dude having a blast. I loved his set ups and punch lines." Tom said.

"I like how Simon made his performance sound like a story, kinda like what some of you guys do. It's was really fun!" Chris said.

The conversation went back and forth until it ended on me. "Honestly I don't think I could choose one," I started, "I mean we saw so many talented peeps today just doing something they love and I felt so connected to their love of what they do. I dunno, maybe it's because I wanna be a comedian some day."

I didn't mean to say that last bit. I've never told any other friend other than James about that being something I would like to do someday.

"You wanna be a comedian?" Jaiden asked, "That's really cool!"

"Yeah you could totally do it!" Tim added.

"I can see your name in lights right now. Adam Ortiz stand up comic but he sits down." Maaz joked, "Seriously though you'd be incredible. You should give it a try. I mean, I'm the animator who's also a doctor."

"Do you think you'd wanna add your love of music to the show?" Zack asked.

"Oh hell yeah that would be sick! You'd be like the next Bo Burnham." Chris added.

"Well maybe, I think it would be fun but I don't wanna tie my music down to just one thing. I'm still working on myself and improving to be a professional some day. And I mean, my channel is kinda my own version of comedy."

"But don't you want to get on a real stage instead of a digital one?" Chris asked.

"Well yeah..."

"Then do it. We all got your back. Life is too short to have any regrets."

"Thanks guys. You're all amazing." I said happily.

James put a hand on my shoulder, beaming ear to ear that I spoke about my dream. I smiled back at him as we made our way back to the hotel.

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