Mind Madness

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The merry crackling of the Gryffindor Common Room fire soothed his nerves somewhat as he stared at the two figures who were glaring at each other from across the room. His eyes shifted nervously, having never witnessed something quite like this before. Then again, his second chance was an anomaly in itself, so he shouldn't be that surprised at the sight before him.

Startling emerald green eyes gazed defiantly at indignant amethyst violet.

"Stupid landdwweller." Eridan Ampora sneered from his violet chair, his arms absentmindedly clutching where his two halves were haphazardly sewn together, "You should havve let your enemy take the fall. You could havve wwiped out three potential future threats in one fell swwoop!"

"Not everything is about killing!" defended Harry Potter from his red and gold chair, hands fidgeting with a golden snitch, "Malfoy may be a right git, but nothing is worth jeopardizing Hagrid's new job! Besides, it's not like the arm hurts that much."

"You are missin the point! Your enemy wwas right there ready to die!" Eridan screeched.

"He wouldn't have died! He would have gotten scratched just like us and Hagrid would have lost his job!" Harry retaliated with equal force.

The third person in the room, the one that was the true amalgam of the two people verbally duking it out, stayed silent, watching. He wasn't sure what to call himself, or if it even mattered. Currently, his past and present life had manifested into physical forms in his own mindspace, somehow, and he knew both lives well enough to be certain that 'can't we all get along' wasn't going to be an option.

"Wwhy do you evven care about that giant dimwwit?" came the scathing question from the violet blooded troll, "There is little to no tactical use of him!"

"Because he's my friend!" Harry all but screamed, "Because not everything has to be about tactical advantages and winning a war! Friends are important, too! You can't just forget them in the name of battle! You did that in your life and that worked out so well for you didn't it?!"

Both Eridan and the Observer both winced. That hit low. It did the trick, however, and Eridan Ampora went silent, holding his stitched up wounds, a low hiccup coming from his form. Seeing that there wasn't going to be much of a fight anymore, Harry slumped back in his chair and turned to the Observer.

"How did we get like this?" grumbled the Boy Who Lived, "How can we be the same person?"

"Sometimes circumstance molds a person into who they'll be." the Observer replied softly, noting that with Harry holding the 'dominant' position, he no longer had his quirk, "Choices, too, can pave the path."

"So wwise," sneered Eridan from his chair, "for someone wwho's supposed to be a mixture of the twwo of us."

"I'm just curious as to how you two are here now." said the Observer, "I thought that I was neither and both of you, a single entity with both lives and memories."

At that, Harry Potter shrugged.

"No idea. I just came around during the incident with Malfoy." replied the green eyed boy, "But since I'm here and he's there, what do we call you?"

"I'll figure it out." was the only thing the Observer could say.

Silence reigned for a moment, the kind that allowed for tensions to simmer. Once he had finished his stewing, it was the troll who was the first one to speak up again.

"Wwell since wwe're all stuck like this for the foreseeable future," started Eridan, eying the other two occupants of the room warily as he tried to hold himself together, "wwe should probably wwork out some sort of system. The twwo of us most likely came about because of a dissonance in the psyche, as up until noww both the past and the present had been in agreement, an I don't think wwe'll be leavvin anytime soon."

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