he wolfed out

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The Flash back ...previously

Kenzo said " you can't fool me. I know your lying."

Ashely sat down on the curb and said " my boyfriend cheated."

Kenzo notice that she had goosebumps so he put his jack on her and said " " okay?"

and then said next to her.

Ash said " He cheated with my best friend again. I caught him."

Kenzo was bout to say some thing when he said " I have to go."

Ashley said " why its only.... when he was transforming she starting freaking out.

Two hours later..

After Ashely blackmailed Fofo, he gave in and said " one drink at The Rave ( a drinking club )

Ashely said " I know a better place."

Fo ( aka Fofo ) said " fine, but we are taking Kenzo's car that way I could have my brother fix it so he wont know that i hot wired his car.

Heather said " Can i come ?"

Ashley said " sure, I own you a thank for finding him with your hacking skills.

All three of them were about to leave the mansion, but Ash said " wait. What if Kenzo escape the chains."

Hether was about to something when the door bell rang.

Fo said " you didnt."

" oh i did."

Ahely said " who did you call ?"

Five hours later...

Heather was a little sobber. She dragged Fo an Ashely out of Bar, which was called The Lights. Then they crash at Evergreen hotel.

End of Flash Back

Old story

It was the summer that she was going to be a junior.

Riker POV

When my family and I were at the campsite, I need to use the bathroom. I bang on the bathroom door. When my sister said " I'm going to be here for a while."

I groaned because I couldn't hold my poop. I walked out of the RV and used the public bathroom.

When done doing my business, I was walking to camp when I got shot.

Third P.O.V.

Riker woke up and notice that ceiling was a beige color. As she sat up and notice that the hallway because there were may doors. She shrug it off and was about to knocked on a door and ask where she is. Just as she was about to pick a door someone said " thses doors are your memories. She turned around and saw Death standing there.

" what do you – I'm dead."

The grim reaper said " your unconscious. My brother in law is cleaning your bullet wound.

He snaped his fingers and she saw herself in an operating room. When he snaped his fingers back, they were at his office. When she sat down, she said I thought your walls and desk would be all black.

He laughed and said " I'm hybrid angel."

Just as she was about to sign the paper, he said " wait spin this wheel."

He snaped finger and a wheel of fortune came out. She the wheel to see what are you snice you going to be reborn. When the stopped.

He said " congrats. Your a werewolf with unlimited eagle's eyes. My brother in law 's brother will train you and guide you when you show him this ring."

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