Chapter 1 - The Great Meeting

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Hey guys! sorry i took long to upload but i had exams and needed to study. but they're done now! for thos who read the first page when it was first uploaded, "Chapter 1 - a new life" was changed to "Prologue" and Liz is 16 years old.

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CHAPTER 1- The Great Meeting

We arrived at the airport, and entered the plane. In the airplane, Mom, Dad, and Tom sat in the middle row. My seat was three rows behind them, near the window. Once that the plane departed, I put my earphones on and I played the song that Alice and I used to sing like crazy.

A few tears slid down my cheeks when I went back to these magical days Alice and I had together. Suddenly, I felt a warm hand gently rubbing against my shoulder. I took the earphones out, then, I saw him.

"Excuse me Miss, I don't like seeing such a pretty lady crying" he said. He had straight, brown hair that hid his forehead, his eyes were a rare blue green-ish color, and he had a large smile that could be seen miles away.

I smiled and wiped my tears away. "Ahh, That's better" he said with a wink. "By the way," he continued,"My name is Luke Williams, and you are?"

"Elizabeth Jackson, but call me Liz" I answered.

"Nice to meet you, Liz. Now, why were you crying?"

"Well I am currently moving out with my family and I already miss my best friend who stayed behind.." I said looking at my shoes.

"Oh..." He looked away.

A minute later, the hostess was serving food and soon arrived to the row in which i was seated.

"Hi there youngsters, What would you like me to serve you?" she said with a big smile.

"I would like a soda and a burger, please" Luke said politely.

"I would like a salad and mineral water… please" I said. Did she just call us youngsters? I AM NOT YOUNG! 16 IS NOT YOUNG!

"There you go." She smiled as she was serving us our food.

"Thank you" we both exclaimed in unison. She left to serve another row with the same fake smile she gave us.

Mom turned back to see what I was eating.I showed her my salad, and she giggled when she saw Luke sitting next to me. I rolled my eyes as she sat back down.

Once I was done with my plastic tasting food, I stared at Luke as my jaw dropped open to my amazement. He was eating his burger delicately, not a single piece of lettuce, ketchup, or anything else fell down into his plate! 

"Wow, how do you do that?" I asked astonishingly. He smirked and answered, "My family raised me well" I nodded a yes and grabbed my cup of water.

I drank my refreshing mineral water and caught Luke staring at me. "Why are you staring at me?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"Oh nothing" he smiled and looked away. An hour later, the plane landed and I waved good-bye to Luke.

"I hope I'll see you around" he said. I smiled and followed my family to the exit.


"I see you already made a friend. He looks nice" mom said from the passenger side. We were now in our rented car on our way to our new house. "Ya, his name is Luke" I said, looking outside the window.

Everything was so bright. I could see some people laughing and holding beach bags. They were obviously making their way to the beach. I decided to take a little nap till we arrived to our new house.

A few minutes later the car was parked and dad opened my door. Our eyes were closed until my dad gave the signal to open up.  "WOOOOOW!" We all exclaimed.The house was beautiful! It had a fresh green grass and the house looked like a mansion.

Tom was the first to open the gate as he followed the stoned path that led to the main entrance door. My mom was honored to be the first one to unlock the door. We took a step in and we examined the mansion looking house from head to toes.

Furniture was already placed, walls were painted, and the decoration was preciously chosen by the vender of this house.  I ran upstairs looking for my room. The first door I opened was the bathroom, it is pretty nice to spend your time doing your business.. you'll never get bored.

The second door I opened was… my room. The walls were a shiny teal color and my bed was HUGGEE!  I had a plasma TV, my own bathroom, and a wardrobe!! Wait.. where does that door lead to? O.M.G! it was a balcony with a panoramic view of the beach. I could see boats passing! Seems like our house isn't that far from the beach. 

"SWEETIE COME DOWN NOW!" mom yelled. I ran down stairs and slammed the kitchen door open.

"WHAT'S WRONG?" I exclaimed, hardly breathing.

"Admire my new kitchen" she said in a snobbish way.

"Mmm.. ya ok… it's just a kitchen you know…" I said.

"It's not just a kitchen, now go check where your brother is" she said disappointedly.

"TOOOOMMMM?!!!"  I screamed, I didn't feel like looking all over this place for him.

"I'm upstairs in my room, it's right next to yours" he answered.

"Your room is the bathroom?" I said, expecting him to laugh. I could hear him giggle.

I went back upstairs and entered his room. Nope, it wasn't the bathroom. His room was blue and red and his favorite games where already placed. He was laying down on his car-shaped bed while playing on his video game device. 

"Seems like you don't really need me so I'm going to be in my room" I told him. He just murmured a "mhm" without even looking at me. I rolled my eyes and went back to my room.

It was night when I dialled Alice's number.

~ "Hey Alice"


~ "Whoa, slow down girl, one question at a time! It's awesome here. My house is only a minute away from the beach! I haven't went there yet though. Yes, I met a guy in the airplane. He's pretty cool…"

~ "A guy??!!! Is he cute? How does he look like? Did you take a picture of him?"

~ " Well.. yes he is cute. He has brown hair and blue-green eyes, if that even is a color! No, why would i take a picture of him?!"

~ "Oh well…  I got to go. Call me tomorrow ok? I want to know everything that happened to you in your new high school. Bye"

She hung up. I totally forgot that I had to go to high school tomorrow! I was nervous. What would everybody think of this new girl that comes a month after school has started and that looks like nothing?


So, what do you think? Did you like this chapter? What do you think will happen to Liz on the first day of high school?

Post all your anwers in the comment box! <3

 So, what do you think? Did you like this chapter? What do you think will happen to Liz on the first day of high school?

Post all your anwers in the comment box! <3

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