9. Discussion

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I wake up and go downstairs to see Violet back.

Y/n:Hi Violet


Y/n:Aren't you tired after everything?

Violet:I was trained to sleep only on command

Y/n:Forgot about the army, it's already been months since the war ended

Hodgins:Y/n, take it easy

Y/n:Fine fine

Hodgins:Violet, go and take a nap before starting to work

Violet:I understand

Violet leaves and goes to her room where I assume she goes to sleep

Y/n:This girl sometimes it drives me crazy


Y/n:We should start to forgot about the war but she always end up talking about the army

Hodgins:Easy, she is different from us. She was used as a weapon

Y/n:You're right, i think i will go to sleep too

Hodgins:No no, she needs sleep, you just want to sleep. You have many letters to send today

Y/n:Ugh, fine

After I get back to the company I see them all relaxed

Y/n:And i am the lazy one, huh?

Iris:Shhh, we listened Violet talking about the comet

Y/n:Oh, sorry for interruption

Hodgins:Just take a sit

I sit and listen Violet talking. Even if she don't show emotions on her face, i knew she was fascinated about what she saw

Hodgins:That was really interesting, i think we should go and eat sometimes together

Cattleya:This sounds like a really good idea. Go ahead, I with Y/n have something to discuss


Benedict:Fine, but don't take Y/n by your side

The others leave and I stay with Cattleya alone. I don't know what she wants to say to me but it made me curious

Y/n:So what is it?

Cattleya:Nothing really important, just wanted to know something, what do you think about Violet?

Y/n:What do you mean?

Cattleya:What do you think she felt when she saw the comet?

Y/n:Well, since she doesn't really know about what the world can do, i am sure she was fascinated

Cattleya:I think you're right. Thanks to that boy


Cattleya:You met him, right?

Y/n:I did

Cattleya:Do you think she smiled to him?

Y/n:I don't think so, the only smile i saw from Violet it was a forced one

Cattleya:Wait...you don't know that she can smile without forcing it?

Y/n:S-she can?

Cattleya:Let's not talk about it

Y/n:Now that you told me...i am pretty sure she smiled to him


Y/n:When i saw them together, they looked like a couple

Cattleya:If you say so, sorry, i shouldn't have tol you that. But it's not like you like her or something. It would be good for her to find someones. Anyway, let's go, we can't let them wait for us too much

Y/n:I love her


Y/n:I love her so much but she don't feel the same. She didn't even smiled at me without forcing it. I don't even think she likes me even as a friend. I want her to love me

Cattleya:That's new from you, to be direct with your feelings without fear to be heard by her. Show Violet how much you love her before it's too late

Y/n:What do you mean?

Cattleya:Many people would do anything for Violet to be their partner. You should be ready for anything. But come on, we can't make them wait anymore

Y/n:You're right

I hope you love me (Violet evergarden x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now