chapter 6 : adoption

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It's been over a month that Athanasia has been staying with Navier and Heinley and she has been happy and finally at peace.

She's been meeting up with her uncle kosair to learn sword fighting.
she is an absolute marvel with her sword.

She was suddenly shaken from her thoughts by a knock at her door.

She goes to look who is at the door and sees Lord McKenna she curtsies and greets him

"Emperor Heinley and Empress Navier are requesting your presence Athanasia" he states.
"Shall we go then?" Athanasia asks.

They head to the Emperor's Study Lord McKenna knocks and hear a sharp 'enter'

Athanasia enters the study to see both heinley and navier sitting she greets both of them "come take a seat sweetheart" navier says to her while patting down the chair next to her

"My darling girl how are you faring?" Navier asks Athanasia

"I'm doing well your majesty" Athanasia responds

"nonsense don't call me your majesty just call me navier sweetheart"

"As you wish your- sorry navier" Athanasia replies

"Sweetheart I've been talking with Heinley and we've decided that we want to adopt you! But it's completely up to you if you want to get adopted. There's no pressure or anything." Navier softly tells Athanasia.

Athanasia felt her breath hitch. She was hesitant about this whole adoption thing.

Claude never loved her.

Lily never loved her.

Will they also do the same and leave her for dead?

"the time I've spent here has been better than in obelia where I'd been my entire life. What if you decide that you don't want me anymore?" Athanasia says nervously.

"Don't worry kiddo. I know that you are hesitant about this but trust me, trust us. We love you. You're like a daughter I've never had." Heinley looks at Athanasia with pure adoration in his eyes.

"I'd love nothing more than this then" Athanasia replies, her eyes glistening with tears.

Heinley opens his arms and Athanasia ran towards him, Hugging Heinley. Navier joined the hug.

Oh what a start to the new happy royal family.

I had this little chapter in my drafts for so long lmao

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I had this little chapter in my drafts for so long lmao.

I didn't think that this story was gonna get more than 50 votes haha.

Anyways have a great day!

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