Part 7

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As Ash, Serena, Dawn, and Vilnis climbed to the next floor in the stairwell, they came to a large open space. In the back corner of this space was a ladder that led to the roof. It was almost as if they were standing on a battlefield. Just then two more men wearing the green maintenance jumpsuits appeared out of the shadows.

"I don't think you are supposed to be here," one of them said to the group. "You'll have to leave."

"Not a chance!" Ash shouted. "We know what you're planning and we're here to stop it!"

"Is that so?" The other man said. "I guess we'll have to teach you kids a lesson then." Both of the men threw two Pokeballs each, sending out a Liepard, Boldore, Maractus, and Garbodor.

"If it's a battle you want!" Ash started, pulling out a Pokeball.

"Hold on," Serena said, stepping in front of Ash. "Let us handle this."

"You and Vilnis should go on ahead to stop the launch," Dawn said. She pulled out a Pokeball "Piplup and Pachirisu, Let's go!"

"Delphox and Pancham, I choose you!" Serena said as she called out her partners. "Go! We've got this handled."

"Thanks Serena," Ash said with a determined smile.

"Good luck," Vilnis added before they took off for the ladder that would take them to the roof.

"Pachirisu, use Super Fang on Maractus. Piplup, use Hydro Pump on Boldore!" Dawn ordered. Her Pokemon lept into action causing damage with their direct hits.

"Garbodor, use Sludge Wave!" One of the men ordered.

"Quick!" Serena said, turning to her Pokemon. "Do Formation C and then attack!" Pancham hit the ground with Stone Edge causing large gem pillars to rise from the ground. It quickly followed Delphox who leapt from pillar to pillar with its flaming branch. It then struck Garbodor with a graceful Mystic Fire attack, causing it to faint.

"Liepard! Use Night Slash!" The other man ordered. Liepard lept right at Pancham with its dark claws, ready for the attack.

"Piplup, Drill Peck now!" Dawn called. Piplup made contact with Liepard right before it was able to get to Pancham, knocking it back.

"Use Power Gem!" The first man ordered Boldore. Boldore fired multiple violet colored gems towards Serena's Pokemon.

"Position A with Rock Smash!" Serena called. Pancham jumped into Delphox's arms and was launched into the air. It then smashed all of the Power Gems with its Rock Smash move, finally crashing into Boldor with the final blow. "Just two left."

"You're amazing, Serena," Dawn said. "You'll have to teach me some of those moves."

"It's a deal," Serena said. "But first, we have a mission to complete."

"You'd better stand back then," Dawn said. "Pachirisu, used Discharge!" Pachirisu sent out an electrifying shock that covered the whole room, striking the opposing Liepard and Maractus until they fainted. "That's why you don't mess with the best!"

"You're mistaken if you think we're going to let you pass us even with our Pokemon out of commission," one of the men said.

"Pachirisu, Discharge once more!" Dawn ordered. Pachirisu's attack hit the two men, stunning them until they fell unconscious. "They'll be out of it for a while."

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