Part 25: At Last

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"I am currently standing outside the old abandoned canning factory where just moments ago police officers conducted a raid, infiltrating what appears to be a full scale illegal narcotics operation. There sounded as though there was a lot of gunfire and so far it is clear there has been about a dozen or so casualties on both sides" announced a reporter, staring into a camera and trying to get closer to the scene. "As of right now we have not been able to speak with anyone and therefore do not know many more details. We do not know how many have possibly died, how long this operation has been going on for, or if it is even over. However, the main thing all of us are currently wondering is: who is behind all of this violence and are they finished."

"Are you guys coming or what?" Asked Milo, making eye contact with his friends.

Cassie, Ani and Danny all looked at one another once more before slowly walking to the same place as Milo, turning around as well. They all just stood there, looking upon what they had done and thinking about all the possible things that could happen next. Obviously the original plan had been to get the hell out once all of this had gone down, however, it was clear to all of them that Milo had other ideas. In all honesty it was a little frustrating for some of them. Time and time again they or someone else was put in danger or at risk of being hurt and every single time when they somehow managed to sort the situation out, Milo still clung onto everything that was bad. They were tired and despite how awful their lives had occasionally been in the past, they all just wanted everything to go back to how it had been. Back to normal.

"Milo, what are you thinking?" Said Cassie, swallowing hard.

"By the looks on all of your face I think you probably already know what I'm thinking" replied Milo, glancing at them and then turning his attention back to the aftermath in front of him.

"You can't be serious" said Danny. "We wanted a way out, this is it. This is what we wanted so why are you trying to keep us here?"

"If we don't completely dismantle this operation then what's to stop them from coming back and finding us again" replied Milo, now looking at his friends. "Just because the police partially raided this place doesn't mean this is over for us or them."

"But Enzo is gone" said Ani, gesturing in Enzo's body's direction. "You made damn sure of that."

"Which, by the way, we will be talking about later" added Cassie, a stern look on her face.

"You don't think someone else is just going to replace Enzo as soon as the heat dies down" replied Milo, making a fair point. "If we leave it up to them, someone twice as bad as Enzo could be on top. However, if we claim power and show them who's boss now then they'll have no other choice but to follow us."

"And how does that dismantle the operation?" Questioned Danny, raising an eyebrow.

"If we're on top, we have the means to pull it the fuck apart from the inside" responded Milo, noticing that his friends still weren't fully convinced. "Or we could just leave it up to them and just constantly be looking over our shoulders for the rest of our already depressing lives."

"Fuck" said Ani, raising her voice a bit and surprising the rest of them a little bit because she rarely swore if ever. "Do you promise?"

"Do I promise what?" Replied Milo, squinting.

"Do you promise that this is it? That this is the last possible thing we need to do to get the fuck out of this?" Asked Ani, breathing harder. "Because I think I speak for all of us when I say we can't take much more of this. Mentally or physically."

"Alright... I promise" answered Milo, holding up his hands like he was surrendering. "This is the last thing."

"So, how the fuck do we get the remaining gang members to blindly follow a bunch of college students that just killed their previous boss?" Said Cassie, not knowing a better way to phrase it.

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