chapter 19

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[I just realized I made a mistake while writing, Y/n's blood should be blue not red bc of her clan. It's not even a big deal but it bothered me so I fixed it.
Also I have zero self-control so I'm making a vnc various x reader so you can simp in peace]

Naenia writhed in agony and let out a head-splitting scream as Chloé strangled them, her hold so strong it was evident that Naenia's neck would soon be crushed. The screaming only grew louder, reverberating throughout the area. Differing from the grimaces on Vanitas and Y/n's faces, Chloé took on a crazed expression, eyes blazing a fiery red hue as a dark and twisted smile tugged on her lips.

"There is something I want you to know," she told Naenia, "My father once told me, 'Those born into nobility must protect their fief's people. The d'Apchiers take great pride in that.' That is why, no matter what they do or how much I wish to kill them, I could never hate the people of the d'Apchier fiefdom. I love them! It is the sworn duty of those born a d'Apchier!"

The more Chloé spoke, the more respect Y/n gained for her. The self-control she possessed to not massacre all who had wronged her is an attribute the h/c-haired vampire wished she also had. Chloé's devotion and loyalty to her people despite everything, Y/n wanted that, she couldn't understand it but she longed for it, craved it. Perhaps if she had known that type of fidelity and dedication, someone she could trust blindly without fearing betrayal, then maybe the chains of guilt wouldn't weigh her down so heavily.

Vanitas felt his heart constrict at the look bordering between pain and envy swirling in his partner's eyes. He couldn't read minds, but he understood her and how alone she must have felt throughout the years, not knowing who to trust and just barely surviving. Vanitas wanted nothing more than to hold her, but it had to wait until after the mission was complete.

Their pleas for Chloé stop fell on deaf ears as the vampire only applied more force, "But you, I cannot forgive, for you took my one, my only, and laid your hands upon him. You defiled Jean-Jacques' true name. I shall never forgive that." They could practically feel the rumble of her animalistic growl, it hung over them like a threat, almost daring them to try and intervene.

"Think of any brilliant plans, doctor?" Asked Y/n.


She waited for him to elaborate but seeing as he wasn't going to, she pressed for answers, "... So, what is it?"

The smile plastered on his face didn't reach his eyes, "you won't like it."

"Would that be a surprise at this point? I mean, I barely like myself."

"We'll unpack that later because your mood swings are becoming concerning."

"At least take me on a date before trying to delve into my deep-set self-loathing." Her tone was light in contrast to their situation. It was obvious she was joking as a way to break the tension. Vanitas noticed that it was something she often did, he realised it was a coping mechanism of sorts.

"Very well, if we survive this, I'll take you on a date." His gaze softened as he spoke, his eyes were filled with nothing but adoration when they met hers.

She felt her face heat up, mostly because the seriousness in his voice took her by surprise. She pushed her emotions down as she fixed her eyes on Chloé, "So, about this plan that I probably won't like... What do you have in mind?"

His muscles tensed when he thought of the suggestion he was about to make, "I understand this may be unpleasant, but do you think you can stall Chloé?"

Naenia screeched once more, making Y/n cringe at the horrendous sound, "I suppose?"

"We can't afford to strain Naenia further, so you would need to manipulate Chloé's blood instead of striking them with electricity."

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