A giantess fetish story written in 2nd person.
Clayton can shrink at will and his body takes on properties similar to clay. Together with his girlfriend Lucy he explores his fetishes involving feet, giantesses and being used by them as doormats and...
TheFootpad Incident left Lucy in your debt. You had made her night outpossible, and in return were forgotten and stuck in her shoe untilthe morning after. When she realised what had happened, the guilt shefelt was plain on her face and she profusely apologised to you. Youtried mentioning that you still enjoyed yourself, but she wouldn'thear it. She insisted that she'd make it up you."Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it. I'll trample you if youwant or I-" she continued listing things that she knew you wouldenjoy, given how often you asked her to do them. But you didn'treally hear her words anymore. You were lost in your own head,thinking carefully. "I-I can ask my friends over again, and youcan play the doormat again." You looked at Lucy and saw howdesperately she wanted to make it up to you.
A few days lateryou still had not decided on what to do. Although there was one thingyou noticed stuck in your mind. Lucy was a healthy woman who workedout to stay in shape, and this included running. You had licked herrunning shoes many times already, especially when she went for a jogin the city park and came back with dirt stuck between the treads ofher shoes. She had also trampled you in these shoes on occasion andyou remembered the footprints she left on your body and face. Therewas something about this type of shoe you greatly enjoyed.
Asif on cue Lucy came into the living room, pulling you from yourthoughts. She was in her workout clothes - a white tank top and shortblack running shorts. Her feet in their white socks were noticeablynot inside her shoes yet. "I'm meeting up with Chloe. Gonna gofor a run." That very moment your eyes lit up and the idea wasthere. You stood up, which startled Lucy for a moment, and from theway you stared at her shoes, she could tell you had decided on howshe would make it up to you.
You estimated your height to beabout half the length of her foot, maybe a little more. Lucy lookeddown at you and looked a little hesitant. She often did, and you'vegrown to appreciate her concern for you, even if you wanted this.Your eyes were drawn to her socked feet, her toes wiggling. Her habitof moving her feet while thinking or considering was one of the firstthings that attracted you to her. "I'm not sure if this is gonnawork the way you want it to." she said, but dropped her shoesonto the floor anyways, and slid her feet inside of them. The blackand pink sports sneakers were fairly common footwear, especiallyamong women who exercised, but the fact that these were hers, thatyou had tasted them and felt them on your skin made them special. Shereached down into the back of each shoe and pulled the flap out fromunder her heels, then wiggled her feet and made sure she wascomfortable. Then she looked at you. "And about Chloe ... I'lltry, but I don't know if she'll buy it. And even if she does, shemight still say no." You assured her it's fine and that you'reready. "Well ... lie down." she said and smirked. "Orshould I-" her smirk turned to a grin as her foot suddenly rosefrom the ground, then shortly after crashed into you. You collapsedso quickly you didn't even feel yourself falling. Right away you wereflattened under her shoe and felt the treads digging into you. Yourface was squished into the ridges between and spread throughout them.You felt the pressure increasing, moving across you as yourgirlfriend took a step on you, before it vanished quickly and lightblinded you. You saw the sole you were just under leave your field ofvision, then heard Lucy stop, turn around and walk back towards you.You saw her face for just a moment, before the sole of her shoefilled your vision again, became your world, then plummeted you intodarkness as your body was rapidly reshaped to fit between the treadsof her sole. Again her weight rolled over you, then her foot liftedfrom you, and while you felt your skin sticking to her sole andstretching a little as her foot moved away, it dislodged and youremained on the floor. This time Lucy's steps stopped and she lookeddown at you. You imagined what she saw there, her shrunken boyfriendstamped into her footprint. "You're not sticking." shenoted. You let her know that you felt yourself stick a little andasked her to try again. She raised an eyebrow and raised her foot."Chloe's waiting for me, so we'll have to hurry." Youweren't entirely sure what she meant, but you quickly found out. Herfoot descended rapidly and again you were crushed beneath her andsquished between her treads. This time the pressure increased, peakedand continued. Lucy was crushing you under the front half of hershoe, having lifted up her heel to put more weight on you. Not onlythat, you soon felt your body contorting, as the massive sole on topof you twisted back and forth. Grinding you like a cigarette butt,she eventually managed to get you unstuck from the floor, at whichpoint she pulled her foot back and held it behind her, looking overher shoulder down at the sole of her shoe, which you were now a partof. "I ... guess it could work after all." You didn't evenget to respond, you were swung back towards the floor and pushed intoit. Again you felt Lucy's weight roll across you, then felt yourselfrise into the air, fall and crash back into the ground. Lucy walkedon you about a dozen steps, then stopped and stood on you for a fewmoments, before walking to the door. After being stood on you couldfeel your skin sticking to the floor a little, but for the moment youremained stuck underneath her sole. "You feel like gum stuck tomy shoe." you heard Lucy's voice comment from far above you asshe stood on you again and opened the apartment door. "Whichmeans if I get you a little dirty, there's no risk you get unstuck."she added as you flew through the air, across the door threshold andcame face to face with the old doormat in front of it. While Lucy'sweight rolled over you, you were reminded of how long this doormathad been there. It wasn't used for its intended purpose very often,as you usually took care of cleaning the shoes. But only once theywere already inside. Meaning every time Lucy came home, she steppedon this doormat with her dirty shoes before entering. You were beingcrushed into years worth of dirt, and to make it worse you felt Lucygrinding you into it as well, then wiping her shoe, and you alongwith it, all across it. This must have been the first time in weeksthat someone actually wiped their feet on this doormat. Ground intoit, scraped across it, you finally found yourself pressed into itonce more as Lucy stood still. You faintly heard a familiar sound, akind of rapid clicking on a hard surface. Lucy's nails on her phone.She typed so loudly with her long nails it didn't matter where shewas in your apartment, you would always know when she was messagingsomeone. Suddenly the weight on top of you shifted forward, towardsyour head. "Chloe's there already." you heard Lucy say asshe steadily leaned forward while finishing her message, beforefinally stepping of the old doormat. You flew through the air again,then were smacked into the cold stone floor of the staircase of theapartment building. The descend down the stairs was actually worsethan the ascend you had endured inside her high heel, both becauseyou were under her shoe now instead of inside of it, and because shesimply dropped all of her weight onto each foot as she went down thesteps, smashing you into the hard stone floor without any restrain.Remembering the number of steps you had counted the last time, youhad an idea of how long you would have to endure this - 56 steps.After 16 it became clear that Lucy wasn't truly aware what she wasputting through, as she casually swung herself around the bend to thenext flight of eight steps, swivelling on the foot you were underwhich loudly scraped across the floor as it twisted and ground youbeneath it. And she continued to do this after every flight, fourmore times until she finally reached the bottom, and continuedwalking on you out the door. The side-walk pavement was at leastwarmer than the stone floor in the staircase, but it was just asunforgiving, and additionally added small pebbles to the mix. Theycrunched under her feet, a sound so ordinary to her that she didn'teven take notice, while you felt the sharp little rocks being stabbedinto you, though thankfully none of them embedded themselves in you.You remembered the last time you had licked her shoes, there wereseveral of these small stones stuck between her treads, but it seemedthat you simply left no room for them occupy. Between her steps, asyou flew through the air, you heard the familiar soundscape of thecity pass you by. Pedestrians walked by, chatting with each other oron the phone, then Lucy stepped on you and you heard nothing but therubber sole straining against the pavement as her weight rolledacross you. Her foot rose, you heard cars drive by, a horn in thedistance, and the immediate aggressive response of another, then allgrew quiet as you were crushed into the pavement again.
Thiscycle continued, and each time you weren't being walked on youlistened to your surroundings and tried to gauge how far it would beto the park, where Chloe was already waiting. You remembered Chloeand her flip flops crushing you when you were her unexpected doormat,and her bare foot slipping out of the shoe and squishing your facebeneath it. You remember being ground beneath the ball of her foot,squished between her toes. Lucy had done something like that too, butshe was your girlfriend. Something about Chloe, someone you barelyknew, crushing and squishing you with her toes without any clue thatyou were in fact a sentient human being, excited you in a way thatLucy couldn't. Although you preferred Lucy, with her smooth soft feetand slender toes, compared to Chloe's shorter digits and roughersole. Still, you were happy Lucy agreed to both of your requests. Andwhile you were currently experiencing the consequences of your firstrequest much more intensely than you had imagined, you very muchhoped Chloe would agree to fulfil your second one.
Thepavement passed beneath you, then stopped, replaced by the familiarsight of a dirt path, which you were rapidly approaching. Dust andgravel crunched under her shoes and within a few steps you werecovered in dirt, which continued to accumulate both on your body andthe rest of Lucy's sole. Instead of a few sparse pebbles stabbing youevery few steps, you were now being stung by numerous grains of sand,chunks of dirt and more pebbles. Dirt began to cover you more andmore, and you felt yourself being sealed into the ridges of her shoesole, while she carelessly continued to walk on you. What littlelight you used to get as you flew from one step to the next, was nowbeing snuffed out as more and more dirt was forced into the ridgesalongside you. Breathing became increasingly difficult, and as yougasped for air you had to take care not to choke on any of the dirt.Just as took a breath in, you felt a chunk of dirt pass your throatwhich send you into the coughing fit, and in that very moment Lucystopped in her tracks and stood on you. Coughing, gasping for air,while your girlfriend crushed you into the dirt beneath her feet, youwere incredibly thankful that you weren't in actual danger. It feltreal, but only because your body didn't know any better. Still, inthis moment you wanted nothing more than for Lucy to move, lift herfoot, stop standing on you, stop crushing you. You faintly heard hervoice call out. She had spotted Chloe and was calling her. Meanwhileyou did your best to endure the crushing weight, the absentmindedslight movement of her shoe as she shifted her weight, the absolutetorment your girlfriend inflicted on you, just by standing onyou. It was like that night inside her high heel. You feltinsignificant. Lucy, the girl that cared for you deeply, that lovedyou, barely registered your existence at this moment. You were justdirt under her feet. An old gum stuck to her shoe sole. You heardChloe's voice now. The girls had reached each other and chatted.Still Lucy stood on you. Still you were nothing. No better than thedirt you were covered in, the dirt she was crushing you into. Youwere just dirt. Light blinded your eyes and fresh air entered yourbody. You felt dazed, glanced around, saw the world upside down. Lucyhad finally lifted her foot, moved it back and propped it up on hertoes.
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The conversation between the girls continued while you breathedthe air, basked in the sunlight. Still stuck to Lucy's shoe. Still asinsignificant as the dirt on the rest of her sole. "Oh yeah, onequestion. Do you remember that doormat at my place?" You faintlytook note of Lucy's words. "Oh yeah, that clay thing? Where didyou get that, I've never seen anything like it. I'd love to have onelike that, it feels great when you're barefoot." Theconversation began to demand your attention. Your mind cleared, yourthoughts focused. "I know, right?" Lucy returned casually,dodging the question. "I actually found something even better."You felt your heart beat accelerate, waiting for Lucy to ask thequestion. Lucy, meanwhile, glanced over her shoulder, down at youstuck to her shoe. "Chloe, do you need an insole?"