Brave Soles I : Bare the Truth

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Lucyand Chloe sat outside a café, around a four sided table, joined byboth Mia and Elena. The girls each enjoyed their ice cream, arefreshing relief from the summer heat. They all wore lose tops, Lucyand Chloe wore skirts, Mia and Elena wore shorts. Both Lucy and Miawore flat sandals - Lucy a strappy roman styled pair in a light browncolour, Mia a pair of white thong jelly sandals. Chloe wore one ofher sneaker sandal pairs - this one had a soft kitted fabric huggingthe top of her foot in place of actual straps. And Elena, as usual,wore not only socks, but also a tightly laced pair of high topsneakers. "Hm, how about we go to the beach, then? That could be aweekend trip." Chloe tossed the suggestion into the group. Elena,curling her sweaty toes inside her drenched socks, inside her hot,stuffy sneakers, thought about having to be barefoot at the beach andquickly said: "I'll pass, sorry." Mia, sitting to her left,grew upset at this. "You can't dip out on us again, Ellie! It'sthe one weekend where our schedules line up."

"Sorry,I ... I just don't like going to the beach." Elena explained andhid behind her ice cream. "What about the public pool?" Chloesuggested. "As long as I get to swim, I'm happy." Lucy sighed,enjoying the ice cream cooling her from the inside. "Same, plus I'dlike to get a nice tan before it's too late." Mia added, afterwhich Chloe turned to Elena. "Well, Ellie?" She fidgeted uneasilyand said: "Sorry ... I can't."

Mianarrowed her eyes at her. "Ugh, is this because you don't want totake your socks off?" Elena's face tensed. "Seriously? Who'seven going to look at them?" Chloe laughed. "You guys constantlycomment on your nails, and toes and all that." Elena returned. "Wecompliment each other." Lucy said, "But if you don't want us tolook at your feet, we won't." Elena sighed, finding it hard toargue with Lucy's typical gentle, soft tone. "I don't know's not that simple." Chloe raised a brow at her. "Clearly. Idon't think I've ever seen your bare feet since I met you.Despite the visits and sleepovers and hot summer days." Elena tookanother lick of her ice cream. "I ... I pretty much always wearsocks, at the very least."

"Evenwhen you're alone?" Mia wondered, to which Elena silently nodded.Lucy noticed how genuinely distraught her friend looked. "I mean,"Mia began, "feet can be gross and all, but I can't imagine yoursare as bad as you make them out to be. Even if they are, a goodpedicure and some cute nail polish can make a world of difference."In the silence that followed, Lucy decided to speak up: "Didsomeone say something to make you feel about your feet this way?"

"Myex did." The girls looked at Elena, who forced a smile andelaborated: "He was really grossed out by feet in general, but ...he especially hated mine. I had to wear socks around him all thetime." Chloe snorted. "So what? One dude doesn't want to suckyour toes, doesn't mean they're not cute!" Elena shruggeddismissively, and the conversation began to die down. Then Chloe gotan idea and looked at Lucy, giving her a meaningful look. "What ifsomeone were to genuinely compliment your feet?" Elena look atChloe. "What? I ... I don't"

"Relax.It's just an idea." Chloe smirked at Lucy, who took a deepbreath, gathering her courage and said: "My ... boyfriend has afoot fetish."

"Huh?!"Elena gasped and Mia joined in: "No way! Seriously?" She thennoticed Chloe's smug expression. "Wait, you knew that already?"

"Fora few weeks now."

"Shutup. How did you find out?" She didn't let Chloe answer, turningto Lucy. "Did you tell her?" Lucy shook her head and Chloeexplained: "I randomly ran into him after work and we had a littlechat."

"Andhe just told you?"

"Heshowed me." Mia paled, as did Elena, who asked Lucy: "You'reokay with that?" Lucy shrugged, unbothered. "It's just feet.He's not cheating on me or anything." Chloe smirked at Lucy,making her worry about what else she might reveal. "Exactly, wetalked about it at length, there's no drama or anything." Mialeaned towards Lucy and asked quietly: "So ... what does he"

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