Indelible (K.CH x Reader)

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Indistinct chatter filled the sparsely populated cafe. Dim lighting laid easy on the eyes and soft jazz music resonated softly over speakers- only complimenting the soothing ambience that lingered.

It had rained for the past hour and Y/N knew that the best. They had been cooped inside the cafe without much to do other than observe the passing cars through the large glass windows. Every individual raindrop seemingly taunted them, and as much as Y/N wanted to return to their apartment and sleep the rest of the day away, it wasn't an option.

It wasn't even in the forecast today, so how is it going to just rain all of the sudden while I'm out of the house? Regardless, I'm stuck here, without an umbrella, and my phone is about to die... Great.

In a last ditch effort, Y/N rummaged through their bag for the third time in hopes that a charger would magically appear. To no surprise, there wasn't a charger. Similarly to the past futile attempts at manifesting their phone's life support, all Y/N found was their books for class, some stray papers, various stationery, and other miscellaneous items. While rummaging through the bottom of their bag, Y/N felt something out of place.

That's odd.

Y/N hesitantly took the mysterious object between their fingers, feeling for its surface. It took less than a second for Y/N to recognize what it was.


It was instinctual, Y/N swiftly withdrew their hand, frantically replacing the items inside their bag. However, unlike when Y/N had taken them out, it was rushed. Organization was merely a second thought. It wasn't long before everything was replaced, but still, underneath the mess of supplies rested the intrinsically vile velvet material.

Don't think it

Don't think it

Don't think it

It was so long ago

Don't think it

Don't think it

Don't think it

Don't think about her

Please don't think about her

Y/N's already poor day plummeted further than they ever expected. The longing to go back just a few moments to continue on in ignorance lingered in the back of their head. It was as if salt, no, 99% isopropyl alcohol had been poured directly onto thousands of cuts spanning the surface of Y/N's hand and forearm. Pins and needles pricked at the tips of Y/N's fingers, slowly spreading down their arm as their breath grew shallow.

Y/N's disposition changed drastically. Before the discovery of the malignant tumor that was the sweater, any outsider could assume they were simply having a bad day. Maybe Y/N spilled their drink on their way to class, perhaps Y/N forgot something important at home, or it might have been that they didn't have milk when they wanted cereal in the morning.

Now Y/N's expression was grim. Even the densest of people could easily observe their distress. Face in their hands, shoulders low and droopy, back slouched, and if you could see their face, it would hold dead eyes and a slightly agape mouth.

You can't do this now Y/N. You're in public. What would everyone else think?

Pull yourself together

She probably doesn't think about you anymore

She probably doesn't think about what you did to her

She probably completely forgot about what happened between us two

She's probably living her life to the fullest right now and I am

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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