A strangely peaceful day

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Noelle's POV
I arrived at school as usual. I head over to Diya, half expecting Akarsha to make her grand entrance. Surprisingly though, akarsha didn't show up. Finally a peaceful morning without her saying some dumb joke...
"Please open this again" i say as I hand diya my water bottle. "Again? You really have to work out. What if you get lost in a desert without me and there's only plastic water bottles?" The tall girl says. She twists the cap open and hands the bottle back to me. "That won't happen" i reply after taking a sip.
Something isn't right, where's akarsha? She usually shows up by now... as much as i find her annoying, i do care for her. Was i too harsh on he- no of course not, she needs to learn to be mature. Still... this is weird. Then again she may be sick. After all, she is akars-
"Noelle, hello?" Diya shakes me. "H-hey what are you doing?" I nearly yell. "You spaced out, are you ok?" She says calmly. "Yes i am, thank you" i brush her hands off me. "Okay, if you say so... anyways you coming to practice again?" Diya says changing the subject. "Do i have a choice?" I ask. Diya gets cut off by the bell. "Oh sorry, bye see you later!" I say before heading to class.

Before first period starts, i get called to the principal's office along with Diya and Min-seo.
No akarsha? Weird, she still isn't she here yet... ALSO WHY AM I GETTING CALLED TO THE OFFICE?? DID I FAIL A TEST OR FORGET TO SUBMIT HOMEWORK? im sure i did everything, do i miss something? Oh my mom is going to kill me...
"Hey noelle!" Diya sprints to me.
"DIYA WAIT FOR ME" min screams from behind her. "Oh- hey noelle" they add when they see me. "Hello diya, hello min" i say.
"Do you know why we were called..?" Asks diya. "No clue, at least we dont have to be in class so may as well enjoy this" min replies. "Unlike you, i'd prefer being in class. Also have you two seen akarsha anywhere?" I ask when we reach the office. "Come to think of it... i havent." Min says opening the door. "Same, she must be sick or something." Was diya's reply.
"Hello, my name is Noelle, this is Min-seo and Diya. We were told to come here." I tell the secretary.
"Yes, sorry to bother you. You may go into the principal's office, he want to talk to you." They say, gesturing to a door. "Thank you, have a nice day" i say leading the way. "
You're welcome" i whisper to diya and min. I figured i had no other choice, diya would've been a complete mess and min would've cause trouble. "Thank you" diya nods and min glares at me "i could've talked to them myself."

"Hello, sorry to to bother you three. But we received some bad news. Well i don't know how to tell you this..."
"JUST TELL US ALREADY, WE DONT HAVE ALL DAY" min interrupts. "Hey! Dont yell" Diya tugs at min's sleeve. "So sorry about them, please go on" i say, glancing at min.
"Min-seo, please stay after im done this. Now back to why i called you three." He says
"It's about your friend..."
no... nonono what did akarsha do? I swear if she did anything stupid-
"Akarsha is in the hospital. She left letters for you, her family dropped them off earlier today." The principal said.
No no and no! This is not happening! I dont need this right now!
"I-is she okay?" i barely manage to say.
Of course not you idiot! If she was ok she'd be here right now...
"It's best if you read the letters, im sorry" he replies.
he hands us each a letter. I stand there, staring at the envelope in my hand. A plain white envelope with only one word written on it. "Noelle"
Im too scared to open it. I still have to process that she's in the hospital. This can't be happening. This is just a dream.

Everything and everyone around me fade. Its just me, staring at an envelope.
I take a deep breath and quickly open it. Nothing pops out, no jump scares or confetti. Just a piece of lined paper, folded neatly.
... a piece of lined paper folded neatly. This is not normal for akarsha. Not the akarsha i know, her paper is always messy and wrinkled. Something is definitely wrong.
I open the letter, and immediately see stains from tear drops.

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