replying to: @8A23NikilThanali
yes guns were made to kill but think about this. A guy walks into a mall with a backpack in that backpack is an AR 15 and 3 20 round mags so he starts shooting up the mall someone else across the mall spots this and accesses the situation quickly, makes sure everyone is out of his way and pulls out his own gun and shoots the guy killing him if he hadn't have had a gun he wouldn't have been able to do anything. Now you might be saying "well then why not just get rid of guns" well it's not that simple first of all the south like Texas, Florida, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Alabama would probably succeed from the US and there would be a war second of all there are so many guns that you wouldn't be able to get rid of them all and people would probably just sell them illegally and I don't know about you but I don't think an illegal gun vender is gonna check if your 18 or not nor will he give you a federal background check like you already have to have. Sorry for not getting to you earlier about this but have a blessed day/night stay safe if you have another question then feel free to comment down below about it.
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