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Around the corner you’ll see, a small light perky and gleam

Closer you go farther it seems, Faster you go longer it beams.

Different paths are followed as you’ll see, to reach the small light lively and sheen

The right path is chosen and the wrong one too, does it matter if one reaches the light so mean?

Fights break out as you’ll see, to reach the small light sparkling and beam

A prize promised for everyone it seems, until only one reaches the light to find that it’s so harsh and mean.

The quest to reach the light soon becomes blight as you’ll see; nothing is left so bright or sheen

There is always a way out as you’ll see, does it matter what you did so bright or mean?

The adventure becomes blight always as you’ll see, until you find the flame within yourself it seems.

You’re patience and greed will be tested to the frontier by the light that you’ll see, focus and perseverance will help you find the right path as always you’ll see.  

To follow the light and become the blight is easy as you’ll see, to follow the flame within is always harder it seems.

In the end it doesn’t matter if you choose the wrong or right as you’ll see, until you realize you didn’t want to be the blight so mean.

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