10:Snowball fights and Christmas lights

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When The five teenagers arrived to the castle, Ariel and Eric welcomed them with open arms before going Jay,Carlos and Evie a guest room all close by Melody and Andrea's room

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When The five teenagers arrived to the castle, Ariel and Eric welcomed them with open arms before going Jay,Carlos and Evie a guest room all close by Melody and Andrea's room

It's been a week since then and now it's two days before Christmas,and the five teens were out in town at the Christmas festival

"What's all this cold white stuff"Carlos asks as he picked up a handful of snow before quickly dropping it

"You never had snow on the isle?"Melody asks as she and Evie walked hand in hand,they started dating after they arrived

"No,It was just really cold"Jay explained before he,Evie and Carlos lost sight of Melody and Andrea,as if they disappeared

"Well,here's a thing you guys oughta know about snow.When there's tons of it everywhere,always be on your guard"And with that The three Villain kids were thrown with snowballs

"Oh you are so gonna regret that"Evie states picking up a snowball of her own and throwing it towards Melody,Jay and Carlos doing the same with Andrea having a full out snowball fight


"You had a snowball fight"Tabitha asks in surprise as she and Mal were on video chat with the five teenagers

"Yeah,we were all to cold to do anything that was actually included in the festival"Melody tells as everyone sat in the living room,each wrapped up in their on blanket

"I miss all of you.The press and lots of news reporters have bombarded me with questions I don't know how to answer or they don't give me enough time to answer without a new question"Mal explained zoning out

"You okay?I know the press can be a bit much"Andrea asks concerned for her friend noticing her tone

"Yeah,I'm fine..."Mal trails off before changing the subject "I have to go,but I can't wait to see you all at the Christmas ball.We're on our way there,already"

"I should probably go too"Tabitha speaks up before everyone says their goodbyes and end the video

"Now...Who's coming with to help Grimsby put up the Christmas lights"Melody asks with a smile

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