Chapter 7: Secret Meeting in The Three-Broomsticks

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"(Y/n) what are you doing walking around the school at this hour?" A voice called to me.

It was a Saturday night, almost a week since Harry had fallen off his broom. He was still in the hospital wing resting up. Ron, Hermione, and I had visited him almost everyday but he was always in a bad mood.

"Edgar?" I asked recognizing the voice. "Is that you?"

"Yeah." Edgar said turning a corner. "What are you doing out this late?"

It was true it was later than I should be out, but then again did I really care?

I just shrugged. "Couldn't sleep. Why are you out?"

"Me? I'm planning on taking Black out single handedly." He said sarcastically. "It's my job."

We together for a while before I asked. "What was the raven at the match?" I asked him.

"That was my patronus." He told me. "It's a sort of guardian wizards can summon to stop dark creatures like dementors."

"Can you teach me?" I asked him, I was very interested in learning as much as I could, and so far Voldemort hadn't been any help.

Edgar pulled out his pocket watch looking at it for a second before nodding. "Yeah alright follow me."

We walked through corridors until we had reached the seventh floor.

"Wait here." He told me as he turned to corner before returning a few seconds later. "Alright in here."

I followed him around the corner to find a door I had never seen before. I was almost positive I'd been in this hallway before, but this door way new.

"What is this? I've never seen this door before." I said to Edgar.

He just shrugged. "I like my privacy. In you go."

Don't trust him (Y/n)

"Shut up." I hissed.

Inside the room was fairly large, larger than the teachers normal offices. There was a large bed in the corner, neatly made with a large bookshelf next to it with a mixture of books and trinkets on it.

A few things I recognize, the weird golden thing he'd been looking at when he bought me my wand. Other things I had never seen before. There looked to be a fairly large golden egg, about the size of a dragons egg, a bracelet made of butterbeer bottle caps, and what looked like a small model dragon.

There were always a few tables scattered around the room, with more magical items on them. A crystal ball, a few old looking teacups, and a wand. And in the corner of the room there was a hunk of wood that looked like a tree trunk.

"Hey there Fimbrethil." Edgar said moving towards the tree like structure, and I could see what looked like a twig with arms and legs poke it's way out.

"What's that?" I asked him curiously.

"This." He said gently scooping it up into his hands. "Is a bowtruckle. Her name's Fimbrethil."

I looked at the bowtruckle. I had to honest it looked like a pretty pathetic creature, one swift move and I could've snapped it in too. This thought scared me slightly; I didn't know where it had come from.

I forced myself to tear my eyes away from the bowtruckle and looked up at Edgar, who was smiling widely.

He is strange

"You alright (Y/n)?" Edgar asked me.

"Hmm oh yeah." I told distracted.

"Alright well it'll be hard to learn without an actual dementor, but I'm sure I can give you the basic steps." Edgar told me, pulling out his wand, and I was surprised to see it was a different wand.

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