Horrid Henry x Rude Ralph

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Horrid Henry POV:

I was walking to school when I saw Ralph running up to me. "Hey, Henry!" Ralph yelled. "What's good Ralph!" I said running to him. We hug and link our hands. "I'm doing good! How about you?" he grinned. I grin back, "I'm doing good too!" He then jumped up and down. "That's good!" he said as he clapped his hands. He started dragging me to school and I almost tripped because of how fast he was running. We got to class on time and sat in our seats.

*after class*

"I can't believe that we are going camping!" Ralph said. I groaned, "ugh my parents are going to come on this camping trip." Ralph smiled, "ill make sure they don't hurt you!" I smiled back at him. We both ran to my house and I unlocked the door with the spare key hidden in the mailbox. I ignored my mom yelling at me and ran upstairs with Ralph. I sat him down and got some dress my grandma gave me. I stared at him with an evil grin and he looked back at me with a scared look. He then smirked as I jumped towards him. He grabbed me and pinned me to the ground. He forced the dress on me and I swear I looked like a Disney princess. I frown as I hear Ralph dying of laughter. "Haha very funny," I said frowning. Ralph stopped laughing and crawled over to me and got in my face. I blushed lightly. "Ralph? What are you-" He quickly shut me up by kissing me. I was shocked for a bit, then I kissed back. I put my arms around his neck as he continued to kiss me. We separated to catch our breath and then our lips connected again. He picked me up and set me on my bed. He laid me down and got on the bed right next to me. We cuddled up together and we both went to sleep.

I woke up and it was bright asf outside. I tried to get up but something held me down. I look down and I see ralph laying next to me. I blush and fall back asleep cuddling Ralph. The next thing I feel is someone shaking me. I slowly open my eyes and see Ralph standing infront of me. "Come on get up! We're late!" he said. I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it said 10:37. Holy we are 3 hours late! I got up and quickly got dressed. By the time I was dressed, Ralph was waiting at the door for me. I grabbed his hand and ran downstairs. We grabbed our bags and got our shoes on. We ran out the door and got to our school in less than 3 minutes. We ran to our class breathing heavily. We walked to our seats ignoring the teacher yelling at us. The class continued. Every few minutes, I would look at Ralph admiring his beauty. If I got caught, he'd wink at me which makes me blush and turn my head away. When the lunch bell rang, I got up and waited at the door for Ralph. He got to the door and we walked to the cafeteria. We sat at a table right next to the gossip girls. Ralph and I then heard them talking about us and decided to listen. "Omg did you see Ralph wink at Henry?" one of them said. "Yea, do you think something is going on between them?" another one said. "No way!" Moody Margret then whispered-yell. "No way they cant..." she started crying. I and Ralph just looked at each other confused and then went back to listening. "I've had a crush on him for so long but then..he gets with Ralph?!" Margret said between sobs. My eyes widen with disgust. "She had a crush on me?!" I said to Ralph. I almost threw up. Ralph looked equally disgusted. I then see them looking at me in the corner of my eye. I look at Ralph with a smug look. He got the plan. "Ugh, Moody Margret likes me? Im going to throw up.." I said. "Same... I feel so bad for you bro," he said. I slightly look over and see tears in Margret's eyes. "I might actually throw up bro," I said. I wasn't joking about that. I needed to throw up. I realized that the food had something in it. I gave Ralph a look that I was actually going to throw up. We got up and walked to the bathroom. When we left, I heard Margret's loud sobs. We got to the bathroom and I went into a stall. I threw up for a few minutes until Ralph walked and hugged me. I hugged him back starting to cry about how bad my throat hurt.

"Hey it's okay," ralph said rubbing circles into my back. I calmed down and separated from the hug. I went to the sink and washed my hands. After that, me and ralph walked out of the bathroom. "Hey we should sneak out," Ralph said. "Ya! We should!" I said. We went looking to exit and found one. There were no cameras and it wasn't a fire escape. We opened the door and started walking. We saw a window and it was open. Me and Ralph got down so no one could see us. Once we were past the window, we ran off to our treehouse. Once we got there we climbed the ladder. Im glad we fixed the place but there was no tv, but there was a living room and our bedroom with a dresser with some clothes. We sat on the hammock and ralph laid down on the hammock. I laid on his chest and before I knew it we were both asleep. I woke up and saw ralph staring at me. "Ugh, what time is it?" I ask. I looked at my phone and saw the time. '5:34 pm' i thought. I look up at ralph again and he smiled at me. I blushed and hid my face in his chest. I got up and stretched. I walked over to our room and gestured for him to follow. He got up and followed me. I laid down on the bed and he laid down with me. I cuddled into his chest and he wrapped his hands around me. "We have the camp trip tomorrow," I said. "I know, and we have to start packing," he said. "I know you don't have to remind meeee," I complained. I was starting to feel sleepy. "Im going to sleep," I said. "Ok love," he said. I smiled and fell asleep. Ralph fell asleep a few seconds before I did. Next thing I know its 6;00 in the morning. I get up and get dressed for school. I know the teacher is going to yell at us but I don't care. I wake up ralph and he gets up and also gets dressed. I then hear my mom yelling from the bottom of the treehouse. "Henry are you in there?!?!" she yelled. "Yes, mom I am!" I yelled back. "Why did I get a call from school saying you left early?" she said with anger in her voice. "Because I can do what I want! Im 17 mom!" I yelled. It just went quiet after that. We got our bags and packed them with the clothes in the dresser we have. I stole one of ralphs shirts and packed it. "Hey I saw that!" he said looking at me. "Cmon ralph pleaseee?" I asked with big pleading eyes. "Ugh fine," he said facepalming. We put our bags on our backs and climbed down the ladder. We rush back over to my house and saw my mom standing there

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