If naruto had a brother? Part One

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POV: Len Uzumaki

My eyes open due to the shining light that's pouring on me. I take a moment to take in my surroundings. I'm on a bed... there are windows with bars on them, and I'm chained down. Ugh, my ear itches. I close my eyes until I feel something fluffy. I open my eyes to see nothing there. I then close my eyes again and then I feel it AGAIN. I open my eyes and quickly see a fluffy tail. Wait not one but two? No five?! Wait there are more... NINE TAILS?! Omg, I have tails! I tried getting up but failed. I tried again and broke the chains. I got up and checked my surroundings. I saw a door but it wasn't metal. It looked like it was plastic. I touched it and it immediately melted. I shrugged and walked down the hallway. 

I saw the stairs and went down them. There was a line of doors and a single window at the end. There weren't any other doors up on my level so why was there a bunch down here. I touched them all and they melted like my door. Kids looked up at me. I put my finger up to my mouth and told them to be quiet. All the kids followed me and I opened the window. We were 2 stories high. I told them to stay here. I found another set of stairs and looked down then there were no doors but windows. 

I went back to the kids and gestured for them to follow me. They listened and followed me. I touched the window and it shattered. All the kids jumped out and I followed. They stayed by me as we ran into the woods. We reached a gate and saw people inside. We walked in and ran into a tall white-haired dude. "Uhh...who are you guys?" he asked reaching for something in his back pocket. "We came from an asylum... I think that's what it's called?" I said. He stopped and gestured for us to follow him. 

We followed him and as we are walking people were staring at us with disgust on their faces. There's a total of 7 kids excluding me. One has fox features and another has unicorn features. Two more have incubus features. And the last three have deer-like features, vampire features, and the other one looked like a ghost. We arrived at a tower and went up some stairs before we were in front of a black-haired dude and pink-haired girl, and a blonde hair dude like me. "Wait Len?" the blonde dude said. Wait that's Naruto! "Naruto?! It's you?" I said. He ran up to me and hugged me. I laughed and hugged back. He separated from me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Where were you?" he asked. "I woke up in some type of asylum after I ran in the woods and I found all these kids with me!" I said pointing behind me. He looked up at the kids and looked back at me. "Wait you have nine tail fox features?" he asked. "Oh that's these were, well I guess yea," I answered. He removed his hand and stood up. 

"Well just follow me, Kakashi I'm going to take them to mine," naruto said. All the kids followed him and in a matter of time, we were at his house. It looked like a good house. We walked in and it looked pretty decent and all the kids sat in a circle. I then sat right next to the deer. "How about we introduce ourselves!" one of the incubi said, "my name is Adrian and the dude next to me is Felix!" Another one then spoke up. "Hi I'm Heather, and I'm a werewolf, not a fox," she said with sarcasm at the end. "Hi, I'm Mackenzie!" the unicorn girl said. "I'm Jay," the cute deer boy said. "My name is Jaxx and im the leader of the intrepid pastry gang and I'm an alien!" the said 'ghost boy said. "He always says that but no one is sure," Heather said. "I'm Jackson," the vampire boy said with cockiness. "Well, I'm len and that's my brother naruto!" I say out loud. They all looked at me and charged at me. Their voices were overlapping and I couldn't understand what anyone was saying. All I heard was 'omg your tails are so cute' 'can I touch your ears?' 'eee your tails are so pretty!' "Naruto help!" I said. He chuckled. 

"Alright kids who wants to go out for food," he said and everyone went quiet. Everyone was then screaming 'Me Me Me!' "alright kids let's go!" he said with all the kids following behind him. I got up and rushed after them. We were brought to a weird place. "Hey, I have money!" Mackenzie then said. "How much," Jay said. "About 82,525.80 yen! I stole it from those weird dudes who did experiments on us!" Mackenzie yelled out. "Woah that's a lot!" I said. Everyone was looking at us while we were smiling like idiots. "Hey, mister! What do you have here?" Mackenzie said putting her hands on the counter. "We have ramen noodles," he said smiling at her. "Well how much are 9 bowls?" she asked. "54,507.20 yen," he said looking into naruto's eyes. "Here and if you guys do change I would love to have the remains," she said giving it to him. He took it and started making the ramen. "Hey, guys what are your kinks?" Jackson says while twirling his hair, "mines are bdsm and degrading." 

Most of us blushed and disagreed but I was obviously going to answer. "Mines are praise and roleplay," I said proudly. Im glad no one was listening because they are too busy with other things. He comes out with two ramen bowls and sets them infront of Adrian and Felix. They start eating and then he comes out with another two and sets them infront of me and Mackenzie. Then it continued until everyone got their food. He put 27,253.60 yen in front of Mackenzie and she grabbed it. Once we were finished we left and skipped the whole way back to naruto's house. Once we got there everyone sat close up together like a bunch of small animals cuddling. I join them and they fall asleep. Im the last one to go to sleep. I saw naruto staring at us and then laying down. I assume he fell asleep because it was completely silent. I felt very hot because we all were in some long sleeve shirts and long pants. I finally felt sleepy and started closing my eyes. Soon I was asleep. I woke up to see all the kids staring at me. I felt another presence in my arms and I saw Jaxx sleeping in my arms. He was cuddled into my arms and was laying on my tails like me. I blush slightly and let go of him. I can't tell if his eyes opened because of a paper that looks like a talisman. But he got up and stretched. He looked at everyone and then me. He noticed he was laying on my tails and then immediately jumped off. "I am so sorry!" he apologized bowing to me. "Oh no, it's fine!" I said. Then a random sword came out of nowhere and landed right in Adrian's hands. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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