Chapter XLV: Summer Days Drifting Away

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Brena laid in her bed on her side

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Brena laid in her bed on her side. Her mind was broken, just as broken as her heart was. Her eyes had since dried up since Remus showed up. His father came along with him, worried for his niece. His heart shattered at the fact that he lost another piece of family that he hadn't even met.

"Brena?" Regulus voiced, standing in the doorway to her room. Brena kept still. Not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment. "Bren?" He walked over to her, his hand reaching out to touch her only for Brena to pull away. His chest hurt at the rejection. But he understood. She was hurting. It wasn't his fault- but he was the one who brought the news to her. "I need to go back before they notice I'm gone..." He whispered, letting out a sigh. He felt the urge to reach out and hold her. But he knew it wasn't the time. "I'll see you on the train then.."

Brena laid there, deep in her thoughts after Regulus left. She should have known. How did she not realize something had happen sooner? She couldn't get a vision of him all summer- Brena sat up. She hadn't had a vision of him at all. Like somethings had been....blocking her. How come she didn't have a vision of his death? Phineas was so close to her- she should have seen it. So why didn't she?

Brena got up out of bed, her teeth digging into her bottom lip. The sadness in her was morphing into anger. Betrayal. Without a second thought, she left her room, running down the stairs. James was sitting in a chair as Sirius paced the floor. Remus sat on the floor cross legged with his head in his hands. Lyall sat with Mia and Monty who both sat on the sofa as they discussed whatever it was. But as Brena entered the room, everyone fell silent. Their eyes on her.

"Brena-" James tried, but Brena spoke up.

"I need to see Dumbledore." She told them, mostly having her eyes on Mia and Monty.

"Brena, you will see the headmaster when you return to school next week-" Mia tried, but Brena shook her head.

"No. I need to see him now." She told the woman. Her eyes softening as she realized how rude she was being. "Please.." Monty was the one who spoke next, standing up as he did.

"Well then, let's not diddle daddle then." He urged. "We can take the Floo network. Albus tends to be in his home a ways away from Hogwarts. So we'll go there." James stood up, shocked that they were just going to go.

"Wait- You're going to Dumbledore's house?? Is that even allowed?!" James exclaimed.

"We want to go too." Sirius spoke up. Remus and James nodding as they looked over. Brena sighed, nodding before Monty led the group to the fireplace.

"Just speak clearly. Albus Dumbledore. Thats what he listed it as." Monty explained as he held out the jar of floo powder. Brena kept a straight face, nodding as she accepted the powder. Remus went in with her so James and Sirius would come after.

"Albus Dumbledore." Brena gritted out throwing the powder down.

" Brena gritted out throwing the powder down

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Brena and Remus stepped out together. Remus was confused on why Brena had demanded to come here. He knew she was grieving the loss of her brother, but he didn't understand how Dumbledore fit into it all.

"Bren, why are we here?" Remus questioned as James and Sirius walked out of the fireplace. "What does Dumbledore have to do with this?"

"Ms. Willard? I wasn't expecting company." Albus stepped out of a doorway, clearly not surprised the girl was standing in his living room. He looked strange. Not in his normal robes. More relaxed in what seemed to be robes still but lighter in color. Brena clenched her jaw, staring at the man in front of her.

"You knew, didn't you?" Brena spoke. Her voice low and growled out. She was clearly upset. But the fight inside of her was a mess. Talvi was fighting to get out. Clawing. She was pissed. She wanted to kill the man.

"Ms. Willard, should we sit down so we can talk more calmly?" Albus offered, waving his hand over to the chairs and sofa. Brena shook her head.

"I'm fine where I am, thanks." She muttered. Her voice sounded echoed. Like it was two voices coming out of her. "Now answer me, Albus. Did you know that Phineas was dead this whole time?" She repeated her question, wording it harsher causing James, Sirius and Remus to flinch slightly. But the boys looked to the headmaster in shock.

"I did." Albus nodded. "But I couldn't tell you right away. You have other things to worry about-"

"Other things to worry about." Brena interrupted, her voice coming out in a mocking tone. "How DARE you keep this from me! From US!" The boys looked at her shocked. Hearing Talvi's voice coming through. "You think you are this Amazing powerful Wizard. Immortal and unbeatable. But let me tell you something, Albus." Brena stepped forward, her eyes in slits as she glared at the man. "You are nothing but a manipulative old man. Using other people to do your biddings. Ruining their lives. What makes you so special? What gives YOU the right?" Brena demanded. Her hands clenched tightly. "How long? How long has my little brother been gone? How long have you known?"

"Since the start of the year." Albus answered. Not seeing how he could get out of the question at all. He sighed, clasping his hands together. "Greyback killed him in a rage. I don't believe he actually meant too-"

"It doesn't matter."  Brena shook her head. Tears were in her eyes which shocked her since she had thought that she had cried them all out already. "But you stand there, acting like you are a good man when you are just as bad as the man YOU created." Her hands were trembling at the fight between control. Talvi desperately wanting to rip this man a new one.

"Now, Ms. Willard. You need to calm down. Your sister and you cannot share a body at the same time- it's only going to hurt you." Albus tried. But Brena shook her head at him.

"Don't act like you care. Don't make it seem like you have cared at all." She gritted. "I see all, remember? I know who you are. Who you're going to be. What you will do. But, I won't let you. I won't let you ruin another's life. Over my dead body will you do this."

"You don't understand what you are speaking about. The future has to happen." Dumbledore told her in all of his wisdom. Brena only snorted in response.

"If that was true, then I wouldn't have this gift." With that Brena turned on her heel, going back towards the fireplace. "By the way. This is my withdrawal from Hogwarts. If that wasn't clear." She muttered before taking the powder that hung off to the side and tossing it down quickly. "Potter Residence."

James, Sirius and Remus all stared at Albus. Shocked of what had just happened. How were they supposed to even react to the fact that their Headmaster kept this information from Brena? James left first, quietly before Sirius and Remus followed suit. The group who caused nothing but chaos at a lost of words for once in their lives.

 The group who caused nothing but chaos at a lost of words for once in their lives

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A/N: It's so sad. I had this chapter planned better than this. But it just didn't flow the way it was supposed to in my mind. I hate it. What are your thoughts?

What do you think will happen to Brena? She officially withdrawal from the school. What will she do now?

What are your thoughts on Albus? Think he was in the right? Was his reasoning valid?

Sorry the chapter wasn't everything it was meant to be. I hope the next will be better. I'm done updating for a bit now though. Maybe tomorrow. I'm tired.

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