Ch 1 - "Adopted"

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3rd POV

Coughing could be heard in the foggy smoke from the attack Vecna done minutes before. Dustin and Max were holding onto each other for dear life with their eyes shut. After the smoke disappeared they opened their eyes and looked around, the place was ruined, this old house was fallen apart but something caught their eyes.

They weren't in the upside down anymore, and their mothers laid dead infront of them, all their bones snapped and their eyes gone. Blood was running down their face along with tears and their jaws where out of place, their backs were snapped so they either laid back or front.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" They scremed and started to cry, Steve who was not to far away had heard and came running. He seen the house was torn down but he also seen why they scremed, their mothers dead infront of them. He almost vomited at the sight and he looked at the 2, he felt so bad for them, Max had been threw so much qnd just last year seen had to see her step-brother get impaled by a moster and taken away.

He walked up to them and pulled them into a tight hug, they were only 14, it was so sad to see they had to go threw this at such a young age. "Let it out, I got you" Steve said in a soft voice, they both clung onto him sobbing their eyes out, a tear slipped from Steve's eyes and he held them tight.

2 months later

"Steve Harrington, do you understand the stuff you must do and give up to raise these 2 kids?" The judge asked and Steve nodded, "Yes your honor" Steve said and the judge smiled. "I now pronounce you the father/mother of Max and Dustin Harrington" he said and everyone in the court room cheered.

Steve looked back at Dustin and Max to see them both crying and smiling happily, Steve gave them a soft smile and everyone in the room was excused to leave. "Thank you" Max said as she hugged Steve, Dustin cried loudly and hung onto Steve, "C-can I c-call you *hiccup* Momma now?" Dustin asked looking up and Steve smiled. "Ofcourse you can, you can call me anything you want" Steve said and the 3 hugged.

"Come on. Lets go home" Steve said and the 2 nodded whipping their eyes. They left and got into Steve's car, they all went to their new home aka Steve's house.

Present time (3 months later)

"You guys! Get ready for school!" Steve yelled threw the house as he finished making breakfast. He quickly ate his plate of food and hurried upstairs, he threw on a shirt and changed his pants. He put on some cologne but didnt do his hair, he had taken a shower before he made breakfast so it was damp and down.

He hurried downstairs with his bag and seen the 2 were finishing up eating, he got his shoes on and they put their plates in the sink. "Thanks Momma!" The both said putting their shoes on and grabbing their bags, "Your welcome, now lets hurry!" Steve said and grabbed his keys.

"I call shotgun!" Max yelled and hopped into the passenger seat, "Aw!" Dustin whined and got into the back, Steve got into the drivers side and started the car. They shut their doors and Steve started his way off to school, they were 2 months away from graduating, Steve was gonna graduate 12th grade and the other 2 were gonna graduate 8th grade.

Once they got to school they got out and Steve kissed them on their heads, "Have a good day and dont get into trouble" he said and they nodded. They ran off into the middle school building and Steve walked into the high school building. He got to his locker and opened it up, a note fell and he picked it up.

Steve quickly opened it and read it, "Ill see you later at wo3k ;P - Unknown" he whispered to himself and shoved the hot into his pocket. "This better be good" he groaned and got his book, he shut his locker and locked it, he walked to his first period and sat down.

"Hey Steve" Robin said out of no where making Steve jump, "I fucking hate you" he said and Robin laughed, she sat mext to him and they started to chat. "So hows raising 2 kids Mama Steve?" Robin asked and Steve grinned, "I should have adopted them long ago, this is the best thing ever" Steve said and Robin was kinda shocked.

"Its easy but its also not at the same time" Steve said and Robin spoke up "Cant believe you acually like having kids to take care of" and Steeve chuckled. "You get yse to it when you babysit 6 kids for a living" Steve said, they continued to talk but then the bell rang and the teacher walked in. Everyone got into their seats and class had began.

After school

"Ready for work?" Robin asked walking out with Steve, "I forgot we had work" Steve said and Robin chuckled. "Welp, guess you gotta take your kids" Robin said and Steve rolled his eyes, it wasnt his first time taking them, they always sat their and watched movies on the computer.

He seen Max and Dustin were already by the car talking, "Momma! What took so long?" Dustin asked giving his sweet and adorable smile. Steve smiled back and chuckled "Had to drop my things off" he said and they nodded, "Shotgun!" Robin yelled and got into the passenger seat.

"Everytime!" Max yelled and Dustin huffed, he rarely got the passenger seat cause they say his reaction time is a bit too slow. They got into the back seat and Steve got into the driver's seat. They all buckled up and Steve drove to his and Robins work aka the movie store, once they got their Dustin and Max hopped over the counter and immediately went onto the computer.

Steve chuckled and put his name tag on, Robin did the same and also hopped over the counter. Steve got to work of restocking the shelves with movies that got checked in, the bell rung but Steve ignored it. He heard Robin gasp and looked over to see her shocked and the other 2 not paying attention cause their faces were stuck in the computer.

He turned and looked at the door only to freeze and tear up, "Told yah I would see you at work pretty boy" the stranger said and Steve felt tears slide down his face.


Word Count - 1116

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