Chapter Sixteen

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Georgi's p.o.v.

Two weeks later.

So it's been two weeks since the little 'Harry accident' as I like to call it. After Harry begged and pleaded with me to forgive him, and promised that he would change. I have decided to put it behind me and give him one more chance. And I must say he has been absolutely lovely. Helping me cook food, after I insisted that I can cook for myself and he didn't have to do everything for me. But still he insisted on helping me, which in a way, was kind of sweet. He still hasn't told me about the room I was in, but I figured that Louis told him he told me. Jo's wound had finally healed, which I was very thankful for. When he heard about was Harry did, I thought he would literately rip Harry head off his shoulders if I hadn't stopped him. Since then he has been watching over me like a hawk, keeping me under his wing like a mother hen would do to her chicks. And every time Harry would dare to come a little to close to his liking he would almost growl at him, giving a clear warning to watch himself.

Harry has finally allowed me to sleep alone. And Jo made sure that no living soul came into my room at night. But as weird and crazy as it sounds I missed having his warm body next to mine at night. So three days ago I snuck back into the baby room and got the white teddy bear I found there and took it with me to cuddle with at night. When Harry came in the next morning and saw me with it I thought he would get angry, but instead he had a soft smile on his face. He walked over gave me a kiss on my forehead and then just left without another word. He still confused me but I have grown quite fond of his company. He was charming, cheeky and had a sense of humor that reminded me of my Dad. I really missed my family, but what saddened me the most was the thought of how panicked and anxious they must be. So when I heard Harry's car stop outside I decided to but my neck on the chopping block and ask him if I could write a littler to my Dad.

"Harry?" I called from the living room.

"Yes sweetheart?" He asked, coming and taking a seat next to me and placing my feet on his lap.

"May I please write a letter to my Dad? But you can read it and everything before I send it. I just want him to know that I'm alright and that he doesn't have to worry." I quickly said, hoping that I didn't anger him.


I looked at him with a shocked face, my mouth almost hanging on the floor as I started at him.

"R-really?" I whispered.

"Yes, really. But you are not allowed to say where you are, whom you're with and no other information that might give a lead if he showed it to the police." He said glancing at me as he rubbed my leg.

I jumped onto him and threw my arms around his neck, hugging him so tight I think I cut off his air supply. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

I quickly got up and ran to the kitchen where I knew he kept some paper. I grabbed a sheet and a pen and furiously began writing.

Dear Dad,

I am alright. Please don't keep looking for me, I don't want you to be harmed. I am being taken care of and I will not be harmed. I miss you so much and wish that I could come home, but I do believe that everything happens for a reason. Please take care of the boys and tell them I love them and miss them. Please stay strong for them Dad. They need you now more than ever. And remember to feed the cat. I love you and will always miss you.

Until we meet again someday, soon I hope.

Your beloved daughter,


I went back into the living room and gave Harry the note, so he could approve.

"No 'tis okay, I trust you." He said handing me the paper back. "Just hand it to Zayn and he will deliver it to your house."

I bend down and placed a soft kiss to his cheek. "Thank you Harry, this means so much to me." I whispered and quickly stood up to go find Zayn.

That night as I was lying in my bed with a smile on my face thunder was crashing outside, making frightening flashes that shined through my window. Normally I loved thunderstorms but this one was starting to scare me. When a particularly loud bang echoed thought my room I jumped out of bed and quickly ran over to my door. I slowly opened it, trying to be as quiet as possible. Jo was sitting in a chair outside my door fast asleep. I felt a pang in my chest, it was my fault that he was sitting here, almost to tired to keep himself up. I was going to wake him when another loud bang had me running down the hall in straight into Harry's room. I made a bee-line for his bed and practically jumped on him and wrapped my arms around him, holding him like I was a koala bear.

"The fu-?" He started but when he saw it was me his facial expression softened immediately.

"Sorry I scared you." I whispered, quickly slipping under the blanket as he held it open for me and snuggled my face into his neck.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, placing his arm around me and pulling me into him, tangling our legs together.

"I was scared, and cold." I said quietly, soaking in the warmth of his body.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe baby, always." He said placing a soft kiss to my temple.

"That's what I'm afraid of." I whispered, quiet enough that he wasn't able to hear. Before drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

I was awoken by a strong arm pulling me into a chest. I slightly turned and looked at his handsome face. I took in all his features, his prominent jawline, his straight nose and eyelashes that thickly rested on his cheeks. I lightly traced my fingertips across his slight stubble, running them along his jawline and then down this neck and onto his chest. I traced his swallows that were just peaking out from underneath the blanket. I looked back up at his face to see his eyelashes fluttering a little but bet then stilling again. I leaned up and kissed his neck softly, then rested my head on his chest again, sighing. "What are you doing to me Harry?"

"I don't know." My answer was met with a husky, and very hot, morning voice.

My heart leaped out of my chest and I jumped from the freight and landed on the floor with a groan. I heard a throaty laugh coming from the bed and peaked over the edge with pink tinted cheeks.

"You were awake the whole time?" I asked embarrassed, not daring to meet his eyes.

"Yup" He said and popped the 'p'.

"Oh god." I said and hid my face in my hands.

He came and sat next to me and pulled me into his lap and held me.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed!" He said, stroking my hair, "I really liked it, it shows that you're not scared of me anymore. So you like tattoos?" He asked, changing the subject, seeing that I was really uncomfortable.

"Yes, I always thought it was an amazing way of expressing yourself. But I don't like them on all people, on you they look really good." I said smiling up at him and tracing another tattoo he had on his bicep.

"Well I'm glad you-" He started but was cut off when we heard a enormous growl coming from down the hall. I turned to him with wide eyes.


Author's Note:

Hi Guys! I just wanted to say thank you to over 300 votes and 12k reads! I never even thought this story would get 10 reads. So THANK YOU VERY MUCH! And hold on to your horses because the next chapter will get a little bit steamy......



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