Chapter Six

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Georgi's p.o.v.

Monday at school was crap! Everyone looked at me as if I had grown horns. People were whispering behind their hands as I walked past pointing fingers at me and having horrified expressions on their faces. By the end of the day there were two rumors The first one was that I had a secret boyfriend and he was abusing me. Second one, my favorite, was that I had done it to myself to gain attention and sympathy.

Do teenagers even have brains? Or are they just walking around with a big ball of snot in their heads? I'm really starting to judge their humanity.

As I walked home I stopped by a little cozy coffee shop, where I always do my homework. I had until 4pm to do so, until I had to get home and start making dinner for the boys. I ordered my usual coffee and a poppy-seed muffin, taking them to the table closest to the window. I took a seat on the chair and took out my books, getting to work.

After I finished a 1000 word sa I had to do for English since it counted for 20% of my grade, I packed up my things, throwing my empty cup in the trash on my way out. I continued walking home, but out the corner of my eye I saw a black Range Rover with tinted windows following me. I kept walking, trying to ignore it but I couldn't, not after what happened 3 night ago. I started sprinting yet again in the direction of my house. I looked behind me and saw the car speeding up to. Just as I neared my house I turned around yet again to see if the car was still following me, but suddenly it slowed down and turned left down the street just before my house. I stopped running, completely confused. I must just be paranoid.

I huffed as I walked the rest of the way home. I unlocked the door and let myself in. I started cooking some macaroni and cheese with a salad, it was one of my brothers favorites so at least I know they'll eat their food. After I finished I starter cleaning around the house putting odd things back into their places and picking op the boys' toys.

Just past 5pm my father and 3 brothers walked in. On Mondays they had soccer so my dad usually picked them up. They all gave me hugs before sprinting up to the bathroom to wash up for dinner.

"How was your day dad?" I asked giving him a cup of got tea. He gratefully took it and then took a seat at the table.

"Busy." He said with a slight chuckle.

I smiled at him and started dishing up for everyone once they were all seated. We made small talk about how our day went and the Stephen told us something funny that happened at school. Though out dinner I could see that my dad was really tired and drained from all energy. Usually he did the dishes after we ate and I helped the boys with homework, but I told him he should have a early night and I'll do them.

"Are you sure Georgi?" He asked.

"Yeah dad, I'm sure." I gave him a kiss on his cheek and send him off the bed.

"Okay come on, get your books." I told my brothers.

They all ran upstairs and got their books. I started on the dishes as they started their homework. I was almost finished with the dishes when there was a knock on the door. Luke immediately jumped up and yelled, 'I got it!'.

"No Luke wait!" I yelled and ran after him.

Just as his hand wanted to reach for the doorknob I grabbed it back.

"Luke you can't just open the door for strangers. Now go back into the kitchen and finish your homework." I said, giving him a slight push in that direction.

"Sorry Gigi." He said and ran off.

I turned to the door and slowly opened it.

"Can I help yo-" My breath hitched in my throat as I looked up into the same honey eyes as 3 nights ago.

I stood frozen only for a second before I tried the close the door. I used all my might me he just pushed it open again, I let out a scream but was cut off when he grabbed me and pushed a white cloth over my nose and mouth. I struggled, kicking and screaming and clawing anything to get out of his grasp, all the while trying not to breathe in. 

He swung me over his shoulders as I started to feel droopy. The last sight I saw before darkness overtook me was three horrified little faces looking around the corner.

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