I.I ~ The Emperor

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The Emperor starts to shape his path at a young age.


I will be better.

He first makes this vow on the worst day of his life. His brother dies in Los Angeles because of a mistake he makes. His brother dies, and his family is torn apart. His brother dies because he couldn't save him.

I will be better.

He makes this vow when his father refuses to fight to keep them together. He makes this vow as his mother drives away with him in the backseat, leaving Los Angeles behind them.

I will be better, he thinks as he looks down at the burning Roman numeral inked into his wrist. His parents always refused to answer any question regarding what has always been in his skin. One day, he expects he will get an answer. One day, he expects to learn how he was somehow born with a tattoo. No one else in his life has a similar mark. He knows not if he will ever find someone who does.

For now, though, he promises he will be better than the father who abandoned his family. He promises he will be better for the little brother he failed to safe on the beaches of Los Angeles.

He keeps promising he will be better when his mother drives into New York a day later.


One of his friends comes to school one day with an unfamiliar deck of cards in his hand. His only interest in cards has been for Solitaire, poker, and euchre, so he ignores his small circle of friends as they engage in whatever.

Someone stumbles into his friend, however, and the cards spill over the table and onto the floor. He puts his textbook aside and bends to help clean the cards. It's only when his eyes lock on one and feels a searing pain in his wrist that he realizes his friend has not brought playing cards into the school. He has brought a deck of tarot cards.

The stern face of the Emperor looks up at him. The metallic gold IV at the top of the card seems to shine under his eyes. The gold IV that has been branded into his wrist burns in response.


He thinks law school is the route to take. He still believes law school is his path in life as he sits in the lifeguard chair in East Hampton. He doesn't think of any other path.

Not until he sees the woman and her daughter swimming past the buoys. Not until he stands, blowing his whistle to get their attention. Not until he realizes it's too late, because the riptide has already taken them under the water.

Not again, he thinks desperately, never hesitating to dive into the water after them. Not again.

He refuses to lose another person he should be able to save. He refuses to lose the mother, who comes up for air before he reaches her. He refuses to lose the daughter, still submerged by the time he reaches them. He refuses to lose either, as he swims back to the shore with powerful strokes, bringing both with him. He refuses to let another child die, as he bends over the daughter and performs CPR, hearing the mother beg for her to live.

He remembers his promise when the daughter gasps for breath, water pouring from her mouth as he quickly turns her onto her side. He remembers his promise as the mother sobs in relief and thanks him over and over for her daughter's life. He remembers his promise when the daughter smiles brilliantly up at him, never needing words to convey her gratefulness. He remembers his promise when he looks out over the waters and swears he sees his brother watching him proudly.

He remembers his promise when he drops out of law school and applies for the fire academy on the same day.

I will be better, he repeats his promise as he looks in the mirror, dressed in a candidate's uniform.

His eyes, normally brilliant emerald, bleed ruby as the tattoo in his wrist burns comfortingly.


He keeps his promise when he marries Gwyneth Morgan, a lawyer who could kick his ass if he ever deserves it. He keeps his promise when he passes the fire academy with flying colors and is immediately placed at the New York 252. He keeps his promise when he passes the lieutenant's exam with the highest marks in years, becoming the youngest Rescue Squad officer in FDNY history.

He feels his promise wrap around his heart like chains forged from diamonds when he looks down at the bundle of life in his arms and into emerald mirrors of his own eyes. Gwyn smiles tiredly from where she lays in the hospital bed. A blind man could see the devotion her husband has for his newborn son.

I will be better for you, Owen Strand amends his promise, finger tracing his son's cheek. Tyler Kennedy, named after his brother, gives him a toothy grin, as if he somehow understands the mental promise his father has sworn.

Gwyn knows her husband has eyes of emerald green. For a second, her heart beats out of her chest, for she swears those eyes, for one second, are as red as her ruby necklace.

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