Object stream - is a stream of input objects and output objects. The classes that are mark serializable supports the input and output of objects in stream. ObjectInput and ObjectOutput is a child of DataInput and DataOutput interfaces respectively. That means object stream can use whatever the functions in the data stream.
ObjectInputStream - functions the same way as DataInputStream but with added functions in objects and BigDecimal. It is a wrapper to input buffered byte stream.
ObjectOutputStream - functions the way as DataOutputStream but with added functions in objects and BigDecimal. It is a wrapper to output buffered byte stream.
You can use the example in the Data stream. Just change all data stream to object stream. The added catch to this object stream is the exceptions if the object cannot be found, there is a ClassNotFoundException and the EOFException if you won't use the Scanner class.
Java Programming
Randomhttps://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/ This is the link where I learned my java lessons online. I choose java as first programming language. I am a career shifter. I just want to start something new. I choose to write it here in Wattpad so that I...