Hellfire club (f)

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After school you and Eddie go to the dnd club called "Hellfire Club" Eddie has always been the master since he's the best storyteller.

  You get to the place and look for a place to sit but it just so happens to be a situation where no seats are left. You try to just stand by Eddie's chair to watch them play but you aren't there for long. "Y/n why aren't you sitting down? Our sessions take a few hours I wouldn't want you to have to stand there the whole time." Eddie says you reply saying "theres no seats left." Eddie pulls you from where you were standing and makes you sit on his lap.

  You blush slightly at the fact you can feel him getting hard already. He notices but continues on to telling the story but about half an hour later you get bored and try to adjust yourself a few times to get more comfortable. Eddie lets out a slight grunt and whispers in your ear " what are you trying to start here y/n?" You look at him blushing and say "what ever do you mean munson?" He raises his eyebrow and smirks as he slips his hand down your skirt.

  He pauses his storytelling to whisper in your ear "this wet already y/n? Does someone have a voice kink?" He says teasingly. You squint your eyes and stare at him for a minute then just continue watching them play like normal.

  After a few minutes you get bored again and stare at Eddie while he's telling the boys where they went when going through a portal. Eddie catches you staring and you turn back to face everyone. Soon enough you get bored to the point where you want to make things interesting yourself. You reach under your skirt to rub Eddie's bulge, he let's out a loud gasp making everyone turn to him. Dustin asks " Are you okay Eddie? Y/n what happened?" Eddie replies saying "It's nothing Dustin just planning out what could-" you rub more "Haaa-ppen next" Eddie looks at you with lustful eyes.

  You smile as you start to move your waist rubbing yourself against him. This makes him let out an embarrassing loud grunt making everyone turn to him, he gives an awkward smile and they go back to planning their next move. He whispers in your ear "You are going to regret that later sweetheart." You stop moving and watch the rest of the session play out.

  It's finally time to go home and Eddie tells everyone to have a good weekend then turns back to you grinning. You nervously sit in his chair awaiting for him to say something. He closes the door behind him staring into your eyes and says "Getting brave today huh y/n?" You look down in shame as be comes over to you. He lifts you out of the chair and places you gently on the table making sure to clear it off before sitting you down so you aren't uncomfortable.
  This makes you less nervous feeling more loved than anything else, he places his thumb on your chin lifting your head to kiss you. After a minute or 2 of kissing he slowly takes off your panties while slipping 2 fingers inside you causing you to moan while he continues to kiss you. He slowly takes off his belt while speeding up fingering you.

  He stops kissing you for a second to take out his dick and spit in his free hand to jerk off a little before teasingly rubbing it against you before slowly slips it inside you. You both let out a loud moan, wrap your legs around him shoving him deeper inside. He lets out a loud "F-Fuuck y/n you feel so good" he starts thrusting deeper and deeper inside getting faster at each thrust. You both are filling the room with moans as you both finish sending your heads back out of pleasure. You both clean yourselves up and go to Eddie's trailer falling into bed cuddling each other to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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