The gods created a town, Karmaland. with its inhabitants and the 7 original heroes of Karmaland. after a long time of prosperity, something that not even the gods could avoid arose... the balance.
That is to say, the good existed in its totality. but a necessity of the overworld created the evil, so that the balance existed.
This had its origin, the fear to the unknown of the karmalians fed a superior entity that equals the power of the gods. this entity was given the night, created the evil mobs and the dragon itself and its dimension. it also created the Nether and its inhabitants, where it housed the karmalians who sinned in life. the gods to stop a previous evil decided to give unique abilities to a few karmalians. They were chosen according to their contributions to the world. they were charged with protecting the people of Karmaland and its inhabitants, also charged with defeating the dragon of the End and maintaining a balance in the world.
Willy and his intrinsic wickedness:
the great lord of evil, envious of the actions of the gods, created dictators and evil people throughout the world. but his great feat was to manipulate the hearts of an entire lineage of heroes, all of Willyrex's descendants would eventually become evil lords. the gods did nothing about it, seeing this as an action to maintain balance in the great and vast world and the people of Karmaland.
Heroes over time:
The people of Karmaland have had many generations of Heroes. in total about 5 generations willing to help their people. Among them the first, in the prehistoric time (where Merlon commanded). the second, in the age of the pyramids (Merlon made presence thanks to his longevity). The third when China started to be a power with its great ninjas and samurais (Cerdus Gil's father was the leader of the 5 heroes of his time). the fourth is shown in Karmaland 4... and the last generation is seen in Karmaland 1,2 and 3.
Certainly the heroes of Karmaland were warriors willing to lay down their lives for their people, or for the interests of their people, that's right, other peoples bordering Karmaland went to the heroes in exchange for goods or world currency (diamond, gold and silver). they helped in the interests of the greatest Pharaohs, with the aliens that invaded China and in the present they help bureaucrats of allied peoples with their continuing problems.
The Three most important Heroes
Merlon: with his 115 years of existence, he has become the hero who has helped his people the most. his abilities include super strength, fast regeneration, incredible wisdom and immunity to magic.
Chan Gil and his clear manipulation of fireChan Gil (father of Cerdus Gil): at the time when the aliens invaded China, Chan kept his village Karmaliense safe, although in the end he had to stop the invasion by fighting side by side with the samurai and ninjas of the place. His abilities were based on manipulating fire, superhuman speed and alchemy.
Vegetta and his mania of going around town half-naked.Vegetta777: leader of the 9 heroes of Karmaland in Karmaland 4, he arrived in the village accompanied by his horse and faithful friend, Vicente. he built his house near the place but on a floating island that he put there himself. His main skill was construction. He had great power when he used the light of the
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