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His first time in Karmaland, although the first chapters he was very close to Lolito.

He remembered many basic concepts and others he learned the same day he started playing Karmaland 4. He is a very nice person and he roleplays in a fantastic way. He is a close friend of Rubius and Alexby, although he started to trust his roommate, Lolito. He is passionate about decorating and spending long hours editing his videos very well. He did not appear much in the series but it is true that he has left unforgettable moments when he was there.

For example when he blew up his first house to renovate it (he blew it up twice). when he joined the dark brotherhood. the time he was a photographer at Luzu's wedding. For renovating Vegetta's kitchen, almost marrying Lolito, becoming briefly immortal and a long and entertaining etc of things.


He was recruited mainly by Rubius and Fargan to do evil deeds together with the evil trio. but they saw that Mangel does not possess evil as such, so they reserved him simply for decoration both in the main cave and in the dark tavern.

At the time of the meteorite impact together with Lolito they sought asylum in Luzu's bunker, only Lolito was able to enter before the space object impacted Karmaland. to further misfortune Mangel not only died, but his skin was pulverized by the overwhelming heat and radiation from the stardust produced a type of mutation in the person. In exchange for strength and accelerated regeneration, he lost his consciousness and his being....

After an encounter with his former companions on the basis of pure violence, he was transferred by the scientists to the main research base where he is relentlessly analyzed. Not to reverse his condition, but to study his properties and use them in favor of the wealthy bureaucrats.

What a tragic and sad end for such a good person as Mangel. But maybe it has been a Karma thing, having neglected his position as a hero for so long, led him to one of the most horrible and dismal endings anyone could have imagined.

Some fun facts

-Karmaland 5, he is still alive, as he was... but, like the other habitants, he does not remember his previous lives.

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