reality distorted..

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Thats all you could see...

Untill light slowly started to blind your eyes you find your self seating on a blinding white chair in what looks like a....void? You dident know why you where here but this place was giving you bad screaming at you...untill a figure appeared in another seat in front of you  he looks like...


As he started to speak in a voice that demanded power and dominating voice

"You child have died I am sorry for your died to the God of mischief....he is quite anoying but! I have given you another change at life! Huh! Huh! Aren't I just great!"

you couldn't reply 1 was beacuse your mouth fealt like it was sewed shut another beacuse you couldn't believe this guys cockyness and arrogant attitude and saying it like he's God jeez can't people just be normal what you dident know was the God could hear your thoughts as his eye twitched in anger but held a smile still with his eyes close

"You wish to know how you died? Right child?"

You couldn't believe he knew what you where thinking but what made you sweat bullets was beacuse of what you called him out and he heard it all every single word you said in your head

But your thoughts where interrupted by a screen as you saw your life before you died

(Flashback screen)

Your name was y/n

Age 17

You where just a normal person in a normal life in a normal school and had great parents they cared about you with all there heart at school you where bullied and treated as a nobody just trying to be friends with everybody you where nice with every person you met and kind but they took it as a way to get what they wanted selfish humans and people that thought they could use you as a means to get out of stuff and ask for favours to get homework or there assignments done but you being to 'kind' and 'caring'  you helped them you helped everybody..

Untill on Friday you at school doing your normal routine you have been studying in codes different languages and all you almost knew all languages except German but as you where at your locker your bully came to you locker shuting it on you before you could get your books and dragged you some where before you where 4 other people as your bullied kicked you side as you fell to the ground as they started beating you up as you heard cracks and you started bleeding alot as your face had alot of brusies cuts and alot more as your bully was satisfied he left was he friends

Your body hurt alot you where in a pool of blood you couldn't move you arms they where broken later you got sent to the hospital and has surgery and a cast to heal your arms later fully healed you where finaly able to leave the hospital but as you where stepping out you saw a cat in the middle of the road and a car going high speed to it as you ran and pushed the cat out of the way the cat the a smirky sliy smile

Your body hurt alot you where in a pool of blood you couldn't move you arms they where broken later you got sent to the hospital and has surgery and a cast to heal your arms later fully healed you where finaly able to leave the hospital but as you...

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