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Amanda's P.O.V
I push the door open, rehearsing the words I have practised over and over for so long. As I walk in he is sat over at his dresser. His face is somewhat full of nerves, almost a mirror of mine. No, I need to focus.
I walk over to him as he stands up.
"Hey," I say, my voice full of nerves.
"Hey, are you okay?" he says, clearly puzzled by my tone.
"Yeah, just let me say something. For a while now, well for nine years to be exact, I have felt this feeling. I have only felt this around certain people, well only you. At first I thought it was nerves, new job and all, but it can't be that now. I have very strong feelings for you and I... I think it may have developed into erm... love?" I finish, my voice going quieter as I get to that word. The word that has changed my life so much.
I look up at his face and he is white. A shocked expression was plastered across his face. I knew that this was a bad idea, that he didn't feel the same but he could of been slightly more understanding. He is normally, but this is different I suppose.

Simon's P.O.V
She said it. Those words that I have been waiting so long to hear. Wait, maybe she knows and is just teasing me. But she wouldn't do that. Would she? No, that's not Amanda. Amanda's kind, caring, gorgeous. Even if she had found out, she would talk to me properly.
Whilst all these insane thoughts are running through my mind, I realise she has gone, ran out of my dressing room with tears flowing from her eyes. Immediately I stand and follow after her, I hate my stupid mind for not reacting in the way she wanted. The way I was meant to. God she must hate me.
I charge down the corridor after her, earning a few looks from the crew. I just have to catch up to her, explain everything. A camera man runs up to me and reminds me that we're on Britain's Got More Talent in five minutes. God, I forgot about that. Its going to be so painful sitting there and seeing her break for ten minutes. Slowly, I make my way back to the set, I need to put on a brave face for this.

Amanda's P.O.V
I sit down on the couch next to Alesha. She gives me a strange look as I sigh but I just shake it off. I can't tell anyone about this, not even her. In the five minutes that I have been sat here I haven't looked at him once. Why did I run out like that? I should of stayed and fought my battle out. Slowly, I turn my head to sneak a look. He looks strangely sad and I'm sure he hasn't spoke since I got here. I could have just waited till after this but I completely forgot.
"5,4,3,2,1, and we're on air" I hear a member of crew say.
I switch off completely until I hear my name being mentioned.
"Amanda, you have a caller for you."
Oh god, some of these questions are just ridiculous, this better be a good one.
"Amanda, I was just wondering whether you had anyone special in your life at the moment?"
Great, absolutely fantastic.
"No." I reply then quickly realise that I said it too harsh after I see Stevens face. "I am just going to stay away from love at the moment. Love never seems to last, well for me anyway." I recover.
Steven quickly moved on, realising a nerve was touched.
As we walk out of the studio, my eyes catch with Simon's and weirdly I can see sorrow. Pulling away quickly I see Alesha notice our tension.
"Has something happened with you two?" she quickly asks.
"Erm no, why would you say that? Has he said something?!" I reply sounding frantic, making the fact that there is a problem obvious. She just shakes her head in reply and walks into her dressing room.
"You coming to the party tonight?" I hear David ask.
"Only for a bit" I say.
This is going to hurt so much. Being sat in the same room with him whilst he flirts with all the girls in the room. I suppose I'll just have to get used to it...

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