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Simon's P.O.V
As I walk into the bar, them words play over and over in my head.
"Love never lasts, not for me anyway."
It pained me to hear her say that. Love would last with me. Its already lasted near enough nine years.
I see her sat in the corner on her own, a glass of wine in front of her, untouched. She looked deep in thought. Man, she is so gorgeous. I decide to do it. Go and tell her how I feel. She looks up as I walk over, shock covers her face. She stands up, but then sits down again.
"Hey," I say nerves overcoming my voice. "Erm, can I sit down?"
"Sure, why not." She replies, her voice breaking.
She's been crying, I can tell. How could I do this to her?
"Amanda, I just wanted to say," I start, only to be interrupted.
"No, it's fine, I didn't mean to dump everything on you. I was really selfish and didn't consider how it will affect you, we can move on now."
"Amanda, let me speak." I say again. She nods and looks down at her feet.
"The nine years this show has been going I have been fighting. Fighting so many things. One of them being my feelings for someone. You. I have never felt this way, it has just totally overcome me. Your laugh makes me laugh. Smile makes me smile. When you come in crying because you had a heartbreak, I just wanted to sit there hugging you and tell you everything will be alright. Yours eyes just light up my life when they shine. This has been happening for nine years. But I've been fighting my feelings for you. Avoiding having to say it. That's why I froze. My dreams have been filled with you saying those words. I thought I was either dreaming or you had found out and was just taking the mick. But then I realised that you wouldn't do that. You're too kind and caring to even think of doing that. Then you ran out and that confirmed it. I understand if you want to leave it and just try and forgot all of this and I will respect you for that if you wish. But I'm telling you now, I have never felt what I feel for anyone before and I know I will not feeling the same for anyone in the future."
Amanda's P.O.V
"I love you." I hear him say.
He just sits there and looks down at his feet. He's so cute when he's nervous.
I move my hand to his face and lift his chin up. Slowly, I lean in and out lips are touching. There is fireworks and butterflies in my stomach. I have never felt like this before.
We pull out of the kiss and sit there with our foreheads touching. For about five minutes we sit there just looking at each other and taking in the moment. His eyes are the most perfect I've ever seen. The hazel beams just shine out and go perfectly with his face. Man, I love him.

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