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*7 years ago*

· 9th grade year finally out of middle school, This year was crazy. Covid has gone down so we are going back to school but we still have to wear mask.

·All the students lined up outside waiting for them to open the doors to the newly designed school, I was looking around trying to see if I knew anybody when finally I spotted my girlfriend, Moana

· "MOANA" I shouted, she turned around and started smiling when she spotted me "Y/N" she said laughing walking my way with her arms open for a hug. I gave her a tight squeeze finally happy to see someone I know.

· "Babe I'm lowkey nervous for this year" I said "Lowkey, hell yeah" she said taking a deep breath. We looked towards the front door and seen cheerleaders dancing to the band music. "You see her right there, she kinda fine, not even gone lie to ya" I said "No cap, she fine as hell" she said laughing.

· Once the cheerleaders was done dancing the doors opened and the students started filling the building, me and moana rushed in trying our best to keep up with everyone else, "all the upperclassmen look so grown" I said examining everyone "mhm" my girlfriend said agreeing

· "Whats your first period class" I asked, "I got fucking dance, early in the morning, hell no" she said checking her schedule on her phone. "what about you?" she asked me "I got Biology, room B304" I said. Me and Moana spent 15 minutes looking for our class before deciding to just go in a random classroom for right now. The teacher got done with his introduction of himself then asked everyone if we was in the right class. Me and Moana both looked at each other and just shrugged our shoulders.

The bell rung for the next class period and we started our way to class. "What class you got now?" she asked " I got.. human geography" I said "Sameee, lets gooo" I squealed in happiness.


The school day was finally over and I was waiting outside where my uncle told me to wait for him.

As I'm waiting for my ride to come I spot a blacked haired, blue eyed girl getting into a sports car. It was a all black dodge. "Sweet ride" I yelled from across the street to her, she turned to look at me and smiled and got in the car, then she pulled off

Finally 5 minutes later and my uncle had finally made it, but he was kinda swerving so I'm pretty sure he's drunk, I get in the passenger seat of the car and put my earbuds in and put on my seatbelt, I go to text my girlfriend and let her know that my uncle drunk but I feel a tug on my shoulder, I look over and pull down one of my earbuds to see what it was, my uncle began to speak in slurred words "how was school kiddo" he asked while looking at me but trying to look at the road at the same time, "it was great unc, thanks for asking" I said not tryna talk to him. "Oh what's the attitude for Y/N, put a smile on your face, I was just asking you about your day, I won't do that no more I guess ungrateful ass kid" he said mad "I didn't even have an attitude and I don't know why you assume I do-" *smack* he hit me in the face "shut the back talk off, I didn't say talk back, that's disrespectful, when we get home go straight to your room" I didn't say nothing and just looked at him with disgust and anger with tears in my eyes and just turned my music all the way up and went the rest of the ride in silence.

I just got home and I'm about to get in the shower when I FaceTime my girlfriend because we shower on the phone almost everyday together. I set up the phone on the cabinet to where she can see me, I had my pants, socks, and sports bra on holding random conversations with my girlfriend as I take off random pieces of clothes when I remember the girl from after school, I was deep into though tryna remember what she looked like when I heard my name being called "Y/N!" Moana called "yes babe?" I ask pulling my attention to her "what's on your mind?" She asked, I didnt wanna just say I was thinking about another girl so I say "just my uncle pissed me off earlier, nothing big tho" I said smiling at her. "Mm okay, now gone and strip for me my handsome girl" she said bringing the phone closer to her face and smiling, I laughed and acted like I was putting on a show, took my socks off and then my pants, making sure to cover my crouch and swing my pants around and spinning around poking my butt to the camera jokingly, while my girlfriend laughs "alright alright lemme get in the shower" I said giggling.


It's finally night time and I'm in bed scrolling through TikTok when I get a Instagram notification "billieeilish has followed you" I get curious and click on the notification, as I'm scrolling through her page I realize it's the girl from after school. Hm that's weird I think to myself since I never told her my name but just kept going on with my night as I get tired and charge my phone while I go to sleep.

I went to school the next day and went through all my classes like normal when I needed to pee so bad, like I'm talking this piss came outta nowhere, so I raise my hand and nothing, so I start calling the teachers name and nothing, I had to pee so bad I just got up and walked to the door before I was stopped "Ms. Y/ln if you walk out that door you will get detention" My teacher Mr. Moore said , "well if you woulda acknowledged me the five minutes I had my hand up and called your name I woulda said this with more respect, but choke on a dick" I said walking out the class.

As I was walking out I heard collective gasp and could see Mr. Moore shocked face, I laughed but then the adrenaline wore off and I needed to pee still, I ran to the bathroom accidentally knocking into a girl and knocking her down, "omg I am so sorry I didn't mean to I just really have to pee" I said scurrying to pick up the girls books, as I handed her things back I realized it's the girl from yesterday, I just did kind of an awkward smile because I still needed to pee so bad, "thanks for picking up my stuff" she said smiling , and that's when I realized how beautiful she actually was, her long black hair, her bright blue eyes, and her freckles, wow she gorgeous, "uh you're welcome" I managed to mutter out "now gone to the restroom before you piss yourself, and follow me back on instagram" she said looking up at me with a grin , I just awkwardly left and waved, as I'm speed walking to the restroom I  hear from the distance "you're cute by the way" followed by a giggle

Man will Moana be mad when she hears about this, or maybe she doesn't have to know, hm

All this was in 9th grade, now we go to my current life as a 25 year old woman now and out of highschool with my masters degree, and me and Moana have been engaged for a year now with our apartment we bought together and a little brown dog named gyro

Moana is at work, while I had a day off, I'm the manager of a car dealership and she owns a art studio where people can go and paint wherever their mind thinks of. So I'm sitting at my gaming setup playing different games when I heard my phone ringing I looked to see who it is and it was Elena from work, I muted my game and answered the call "hello" I asked waiting for a response, "yes, sorry to bother you on your off day but there's someone here complaining about their car, saying we have gave them the car messed up already, and they want to speak to the manager" she said rushing her words sounding kinda nervous, "could you not have sent it to the assistant manager?" I asked a little pissed that I'm being disturbed on my off day, "unfortunately not, this is a very important client and she asked to speak to you" she said "alright, send her call to me" I said getting off my gaming chair and onto the sofa. "Hello" I heard a raspy voice say, "yes, I heard there was an issue with your car, may I ask who I'm talking to I said grabbing a pen a paper to start writing.

"Billie. Billie Eilish"

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