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It's now 5 o'clock and it's past the time Billie was supposed to come over so I shoot her a text

Y/n: yo you still coming? Lmk lol


Great, just great, stood up by Billie.

I changed back into my house clothes, made me a sandwich, grabbed a drink of minute made, and headed to my room then turned on Netflix and put on adventure time while I tried to get some work done, I love having a show on while I do my work.

2 hours have gone by and I finished all my work, and was hungry again, I left my phone in the room while I got a snack, I decided to get a little Debbie cake, because why not, I walked back to my room and couldn't find my phone "it was just right here" I said rubbing all over my bed trying to feel for my phone, taking the pillows off and everything, I grabbed one end of my cover and fanned my cover out so it can pop out the covers if it was there, and my phone went flying in the air and hit the corner of my dresser "SHIT" I yelled out loud running over to my phone. I looked at the phone and it was completely cracked and glitching out some "fucking hell, stupid piece of shit" I said throwing the note broken phone to the side of the wall, making the phone glitch out more. I tried powering the phone off but it was glitching so bad it wouldn't let me.

I was now laying in bed watching the tv since I decided to just get a new one tomorrow, needed a upgrade anyways, I thought to myself, like 10 minutes into the show while I was dozing off I hear someone saying hello "tf" I said getting out of bed and checking the front door but nothing, then I finally seen it, my phone was calling people and Moana was on the phone

"Hello?" I said looking at her though the cracked screen "yeah you called me, wsp" she said with curiosity "my phone called you not me, this shit is cracked and glitching" I said mentally face palming myself "ohhh okay, well I wanted to talk to you anyways so..." she said waiting "well I don't" I said trying to hang up "hang up the phone but it wouldn't let me" I just sighed "looks like you have no choice" she said with a grin, and I must admit I smiled a little too

"Okay okay, hey you been" I asked genuinely curious. "I've been good actually, I miss you a lot tho and I honestly would like to see you again some time" she said "I miss you too, and yeah that would be nice" with a half grin remembering all the good things throughout our relationship and how I still loved her "how about we meet right now at Lovo's?" She said with excitement. "Sounds like a plan to me" I said as I waved goodbye and she hung up since I couldn't. I put on a white button up shirt, with a brown belt, and blue jeans, with my white and brown air forces, I fixed my hair, and moisturized my face

I looked in the mirror and looking pretty good if I do say so myself, I pointed guns fingers at the mirror and made pew pew sounds with my mouth.

This should be a good turn around since I was stood up by Billie anyways, I locked my door and headed to the car, buckling up and leaving my home

I finally made it to Lovo's after about 15ish minutes and walked into the restaurant, I asked the host for a table of two, she sat me at a 2 person booth, and gave me some ice water while I waited. "If there's anything else I could help you with just let me know and I'll where I can" she said with a smile showing her pearly whites, she looked to be in her early 20s, with brown hair that shaped her face, and tan skin, maybe 5'5 in height and I must I was attracted to her.

5 minutes went by and Moana showed up and she looked gorgeous, she had on tight dress with spaghetti dress and it was cream colored which kinda complicated my outfit, "wow you look stunning" I said giving her a hug , "thank you, you like quite lovely yourself" she said looking me up and down while biting her lip, we sat down and looked over the menu deciding what we wanted "I think ima get the number 3, the steak with the baked potato" I said because it sounds the best right now "ima get the roasted chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy" she said nodding her head "good choice" I admitted. "Maybe we should get a glass of wine while we wait for the food?" I asked "yes we should" she said agreeing. A few seconds later the server came and took our orders down,

While we waited for our food we talked about everything we've been doing while away from each other. "Well I've been really into poetry lately" I said thinking about the last piece I wrote "really, if like to her it some day" she said smiling "of course baby" I said with a smile before realizing my mistake "sorry it's habit" I said looking down with a faint blush. She grabbed my hand softly and caressed it. "It's okay y/n, I missed hearing you say it" she said confidently. I looked up and was about to say something but our food came out, I just gave her a reassuring smile that I hear her.

10 minutes into the meal I see in the corner of my eye someone who looks like Billie walk past the glass of the restaurant, I whipped my head to see if it was her and it actually was, I watched as she walked with her head down trying not to get noticed by anyone but oh did I already see her. "Y/n?" I heard "everything alright Moana asked confused "uhh yeah everything fine, just thought I seen a big not trying to make her suspicious of anything with a crooked smile "okay, eat your food before it gets cold" she said tapping the rim of my plate with the end of her fork, knowing I don't like my food cold. I laughed and finished eating.

Our meal finally came to a finish and I paid for the bill in whole with the total being $157. I left a 30 dollar tip and we headed out to the our cars, I walked her to her car first giving her a tight hug before she got in. I opened her door and helped her inside "I really enjoyed tonight" I said blushing again "I did too, I really hope your phone butt dials me again so we can hang out again" she said with a smirk on her face "very funny, but the next call will definitely be on purpose" I said smiling ear to ear "goodnight Moana" I said closing her car door "you gonna leave without giving me a kiss" she said teasingly. I bent down and left a kiss on her cheek "til next time Moana" I said walking off to my car "til next time" she yelled as she drove off.

I made it home after 20 minutes, took off all my clothes and took a shower, I put on some black shorts, and a orange shirt that says orange and laid down putting on Gaspar and Lisa for the background and logged into my iPad since it was connected to my phone so I could see all my messages

Momo: had a good time tonight, hope to see you again 💋

Billie: yooo bro I've been busy all day I didn't see your messages and I totally forgot, it slipped my mind, maybe we could go again tmr ?"

BroSki: moms been calling your phone but you haven't answered, she's worried about you, let her know wsp bro

Mom: please call me back sweetie

BestMan: Heyy y/n, wanna hear this song I been working on, I need some instruments on it tho, you think you could help me out?

I just looked at the messages and sighed and only texted my mom back "sorry madre, I was out eating and accidentally left my phone at home" I typed out as I smacked myself on the forehead and looked at the broke phone that's now sitting on my desk.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep, maybe a better day tmr I thought to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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