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Max's Pov.
I was in the Snowball Room and I was sat at a table, when I heard a big crash from the roof.

These bats gently plopped a body, it was a female body.

I ran over to see if this person was OK, when I realised it was y/n, she was so pale, but unharmed.

I sighed a breath of relief when I saw she wasn't injured, just passed out.

I took her in my arms and shacked her and tapped her face gently to wake her up.

After repeating this for about 2 minutes, she groaned and opened her eyes slightly.

After she processed the new surroundings, she jumped into my arms, even more than she already was.

So here we are, my girlfriend and I sitting on the floor a ballroom.

We let go after a while and she was smiling widely.

"You're alive" she says with relief.

"Can't get rid of me that easily, sweetheart " I said smirking.

She blushed and look down.
I just laughed at this and we both stood up hand-in-hand.

"Let's just sit down until we meet our faith, but tell me how the plan is going " I say.

She explained to me that she met a kid from the Lab where Eleven was from, and that he could shape-shif and his number was 030.

"How old is he?" I ask.

"He's 9 years old, he's such a sweet kid and he can handle a gun, like me" y/n said smiling slightly.

"You know, I cant have kids" y/n continued "I can't have kids because I don't have a healthy enough reproductive system".

"You... you want to be a mother?" I ask her slightly frowning.

She nods with a slight frown on her face.
"You see I don't know how, it doesn't work properly but it just wouldn't, so and it's not like it would matter im lesbian so I wouldn't be able to either way " she explained.

Maybe I should ask her if-
I get cut off by my thoughts when me and Max hear a crumbling noise, it was the kind of floating particul affects that would be in the Upside Downs air.

Y/n grabs my arm and I smirk a bit, but it quickly fades as she's scared, and to be honest, I'm scared, but y/n has never dealt with any of this before.

I was surprised when she said she kinda knew what was happening when everyone tried to tell her.

I look out the window near the roof of the room to see red thunder, I feel y/ns grip tighten.

I grab her hand when she let go of my arm.

Y/ns pov.
I can feel something, it's aching, it's my throat and wrists, like it being in a choke hold.

I close my eyes and I can see Steve, Nancy and Robin Being choked by vines in the Creels Upside Down version Mansion thingy.

I open my eyes and Max says ,"Wow angel, your eyes are red". "They are?" I say rubbing my eyes.

"Don't rub them"Max says making me stop ,"it'll get worse" she explained holding both my hands.

Me and Max decide to barricade the door, and we are both bringing over a chair and fling it up onto the pile.

"I Didn't Love You To Late" Max Mayfield x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now